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Onimiya Faith: Sticky, Smelly, Clumpy? You’ve Probably Had Those Beauty Products for Too Long



That lip balm you have had since you were a teenager or that lipstick your best aunt bought for you three years ago. We have all been guilty at one time or the other of keeping our cosmetic products for too long.

Most cosmetic products have the period of time for which the products should be kept after the first use. This is different from the expiry date we see on the top or bottom of the product. Usually, you will see a jar symbol on the side of the product with the top of the jar opened and the inscription reading ‘3M’ or ‘6M’ or ‘12M’ in the jar symbol. This indicates how many months the product can be used for, before it should be disposed of.

Where this is not found, irrespective of the expiry date on the product, there are basic expiry rules for cosmetic products.

Mascara and Eyeliners – 3-4 months only
Once your mascara or eyeliner starts looking gooey or clumpy, it’s time to dispose of it. Mascara and eyeliner are exposed to a lot of fast drying action, as opposed to other products. This short time is not entirely far-fetched. It’s a product that comes in contact with the eyes too many times to take risks. So if you have that mascara or eyeliner in your cosmetic purse that you’ve had for a year, it’s time for you to let it go. Cop a new one.

Foundations, Concealers (liquid cosmetics like moisturisers, skin creams etc) – 6 months to a year
Foundations and concealers are very important to our daily makeup routines and come in contact with our skin. They should therefore not be kept for too long to prevent skin irritation and breakouts.

Powder based makeup – 1 year to 2 years
You can afford to have your powder based makeup or anytime between one year and two years, after which it’s time to throw it out and get a new one. Powder eyeshadow also falls into this category

Lipsticks and lipgloss – 1 – 2 years
Be sure to throw away any lipstick or lipgloss you have had for longer than this. The formula used to create such products are not supposed to be kept longer. Save yourself the health risk and get rid of them.

Lip-liners  – 2-3 years
Pencil based lip-liners can be kept for the longest as long as they remain in fair shape and condition. However, endeavour to examine the lip-liner for any changes that might imply an expiration.

Examine your cosmetic bag today and throw out those products that you have had for too long. No sentiments required where your health is concerned.

Once you notice changes in your cosmetic products, by a funny smell or change in texture, throw it away. It means the formula has gone bad. Also, once they have been exposed to heat for a prolonged period of time, toss them in the trash.

Gentlemen, if you read this and know your lady has had that lipstick for too long because she’s too attached to it, be sure to help her throw it out.

Photo Credit: Sophie Davis |

I am a law graduate, freelance writer and a lover of Christ. I am inspired by life, beauty, food and human welfare. Follow me on twitter and Instagram @mimewinifred

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