The journey to forever has officially begun for the popular entertainer Idowu Adeyemi, mostly known as Yhemo Lee, and his fiancée, Tayo. Today marks their traditional...
The premiere episode of “Match Made By Tomike,” hosted by Tomike Adeoye, is now live. This matchmaking show is all about connecting individuals seeking love, pairing...
In the world of Big Brother Naija, most housemates enter the show as singles. Some find love within its walls, and if fate smiles upon them,...
Media personality Tomike Adeoye has announced an exciting new show titled “Match Made by Tomike.” Fondly known as Olori Ebi by her community, Tomike explains that...
Exactly six (6) months after the release of her multi-award-winning haircare line CÉCRED, Beyoncé unveils SirDavis — naturally developed in her hometown Houston, in collaboration with...
New to the dating scene and unsure about what questions to ask your new date? Akah and Claire Nnani have you covered. In their latest discussion,...
The 9th season of Big Brother Naija, themed “No Loose Guard”, kicked off with an exciting twist, introducing housemates in pairs. Among them are the stylish...
Italy, a timeless canvas painted with centuries of art, history, and unparalleled elegance, from the cobblestone streets of Rome to the sun-kissed Amalfi Coast, this European...
Mimii Ngulube and Josh Oyinsan have made history as the first black couple to win Love Island. On Monday, July 29th, the couple were crowned winners...
Jude Engees Okoye and his wife, beauty queen Ify Okoye, celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary today. They got engaged in 2014 on Jude’s birthday, April 24th,...
This episode dives deep into the world of singles. Akah and Claire Nnani tackle the intriguing topic: “The Real Reason You’re Still Single.” They explore the...
Ladies and gentlemen… The hour is upon us! Yes, it’s the #ChiVido2024. We’ve been super elated since the announcement that our award-winning Afrobeats superstar, Davido, and the...
What is there not to love about Davido and Chioma‘s love story? They’ve gone through the ups and downs of love together, from breakups to makeups,...
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