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Osasogie Omoigui: Don’t Be that Person Who Calls Someone Fat & Ugly



Teenagers in our culture are constantly forced to act and feel a certain way. Society enjoys dictating on how our youth should behave.

In today’s world, society consists of everyone, even you! Society starts off by telling you to be yourself, but then judges you. We are a society, and we have standards and expectations. The expectations we have of one another is perfection and that has brought about what is called the pressure to be perfect. This is perhaps the thing that demoralizes each of us.

Peer pressure doesn’t just affect teenagers or young adults. It’s a general thing and knows neither age nor class. It’s only emphasized amongst teenagers and young adults because of their inability to often make wise decisions under strain.  They most times need assistance in making right decisions and seem not mentally prepared to be able to resist or deny pressure from others.

We are all influenced by our peers, both negatively and positively, at any age. For teens, as school and other activities take you away from home, you may spend more time with your friends than you do with your parents and siblings. As you become more independent, your peers naturally play a greater role in your life. Sometimes, though, particularly in emotional situations, peer influence can be hard to resist, it really has become “pressure”; and you may feel compelled to do something you’re uncomfortable with.

There is a similarity in the way males and females feel pressure to maintain a certain body image. Men, much like women, feel pressure to have the perfect physique. The difference is, guys have to keep it hidden away. A guy’s insecurities are rarely shown, thus creating the illusion that the insecurities are non-existent.

This is the origin of the misconception that guys do not have emotions at all. Keeping silent is not an easy thing to do, but society says we have to, so we do it.

We don’t need to submit to the pressures of society, especially when it relates to the definition of success.

This is one of those life realizations that slapped me right across my face, and I’m glad it did. I finally realized that I didn’t need all the things or stuff in life that society told me I should need. I didn’t need to give in to the pressures of society, especially when it relates to success, and neither do you. There are a few of the societal pressures and it’s even worse when you give it and it becomes Self Pressure.

Self-pressure is from you to you. It is you yielding to the pressures of society and most times it relates to society’s definition of success. You simply feel like you should be doing more than you are. This can also be translated as the fear of not maximizing your full potential but also the fear of failure. Ambitious people could feel this way and feel like they’re stuck between. It’s really uncomfortable and makes you reach a certain edge.

There are certainly tons of other things society tells us to want and what we should do.

It’s time to start asking why.

It’s time to start questioning the value of things and figure out what’s really important.

I realize that the life goals I had were probably immature, but I’m happy to be making progress towards finding myself in this world.

We’re blaming society for everything that’s gone wrong, but we are society. In order to change the way things are we must change the way we think. Take a look around and figure out who your real friends are and who might hold you back from being who you really are.

You have to stop looking down on other people.
Don’t be the person that calls someone ugly and fat because of the way they look. You don’t know what they’ve been through and you don’t know their story. People are going to label you, but what matters is how you manage to overcome that.

“If you want to do extraordinary, you can’t think extraordinary. You have to turn your mind into an ultra-confident self-belief extraordinary human or the slightest “no” or any form of rejection will make you quit. Turn yourself up at all time”.

Photo Credit: Aleksei Todosko | Dreamstime

Osasogie is a freelance content writer who has done extensive editing and proofreading of website articles. She specialises in editing grammar, punctuation and consistency of style. She can be reached for online writing and editing, ghost writing and reviews. She has since worked with NaijaPr and Ynaija. Email: [email protected]

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