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How Long is Long Enough? Find Out What Tracy & William Conclude in their VLog



Screen Shot 2016-06-07 at 13.24.17No no no, I’m sorry to disappoint the pervert in you, today we wouldn’t be counting in inches. But don’t be disheartened, it evolves around the same topic. How long is long enough to before it is okay to…ermm…partake in…ermm…copulation? Phew, thank the heavens for synonyms and euphemisms. Anyways, how long is long enough?

One of the interesting most interesting aspect of this question, even in western societies, is that it is always almost exclusively directed at women. Perhaps because women are often considered to be the gatekeepers of sex while men gate-keep commitment, hence why we are the ones to ask for the woman’s hand in marriage. In the complex world we live in where trust and sex are valuable social commodities, it is worth thinking about, if it is even relevant to ask this question, and what are the implications of our answers.

I am, as you might expect from men, of the opinion that time is irrelevant. I have heard enough stories of people that met and got it on as soon as it was convenient, and they have gone on to get married. I have also heard of men than hung around for over a year for a hit and run. There are also tales of the knights that waited, and the quick smash and go.

My point is, there is no safe zone. You just have to weigh the situation and figure out what card to play. For a guy interested in other parts of a woman that aren’t sexual, I fail to see how having sex with him too early would change his entire opinion of you. And if it does, do you really want to get with a man that attitude towards women? Next thing he will ask what your body count is. Of course, you know, to him any number not zero might as well be an exponential digit. Okay, maybe too far, but you get my drift.

Tracy on the other hand is of the opinion that a 90 days trial period without sex would be a great idea. According to her, sex can cloud our judgment. I suppose there is some merit to that. Athough, I think it actually opens up the true intentions of people; so really, it should clear your eyes. Perhaps at a steep price, ouch.

Tracy, who as a woman I believe should be better equipped to answer makes a strong point about the demand for sex from men being too much. It just has to be regulated. Understandably, if it wasn’t, men would take the piss (we kind of do already).

Like most questions concerning emotional and social rules, there is no easy or absolute to this one, just circumstantial choices we would all have to make at some points. But what is life without discourse? So please, what do you think is better or safer, wait it out, or get it out the way. The floor is yours.

Watch Tracy and William here:

William Ifeanyi Moore is an MPharm graduate from the University of Portsmouth, UK. His true passion is in novels and poetry but he cheats on them with movies, plays, and music. He believes sacrifice and compromise is the bedrock of any healthy relationship. His debut novel Lonely Roads is out on 10/12/2015. Blog: Twitter: @willifmoore Instagram: willifmoore
