“Happiness is the new wealth, inner peace is the new success, health is the new wealth, kindness is the new cool” – Syed Balkhi In a...
“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning” – Bill Gates Value is a derivative of service rendered or product used. I have heard...
You cannot have a good relationship with others without having a solid one with yourself. ** We were created to serve and every one of us...
While it is part of human nature to worry or panic about things we have no control over, it is important to know that you cannot...
The most vital component of any relationship is the aspect of give and take. For any relationship to function efficiently, there has to some kind of...
Everything we do (be it intentionally or inadvertently) has a goal post attached to it. From our clothing, down to the food we eat -there is...
When girls are armed with the right tool to succeed, they are given a leveled playing field to compete with the opposite sex. That is, they...
Resiliency is one of my many gifts and it has been tested time and time again. What it has taught me is to envisage and prepare...
We tolerate traffic congestion, endure aggressive commuters who are in a hurry to get to their destination thereby risking our lives. When I was living in...
I've come to realize that if I don't quit, there's so much more to enjoy in life. All I've been through in life and in business...
'Just surviving' will not provide a solution to our problem and as such, it is not advantageous to our mental and financial health. Surviving without thriving...
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