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Ufuoma Uvomata: 12 Simple Life Hacks For Attracting the Person You Desire



Everyone wants companionship and things that make us happy. Many companies portray happiness to sell their products. You would see a happy family eating instant noodles, a happy couple enjoying sleeping on a mattress or a young woman whose outfit makes her feel happy and confident. You naturally become attracted to those products because people are attracted to happiness in others.

The main purpose of a romantic relationship is to make each other happy and to share in that happiness. But you can’t make someone else happy if you’re not happy yourself. So here are a few tips to help you become a happier person and attract that special someone.

Hustle, hustle, hustle, hard!
So money doesn’t buy happiness but what do you call that feeling you get when you see that credit alert? When you can afford that spontaneous outing or to take that well deserved vacation, you feel both happy and satisfied. You would worry less and allow yourself to enjoy the things around you. Other than the material things that money gets you, it’s important for your partner/future partner to feel like they can rely on you financially if they ever needed to. Having your own money also eliminates any chance of having the ‘gold-digger’ trust barrier in your relationship.

Invest in Experiences not Things
You should prioritize attending the Calabar festival with your friends over buying the new kylie collection because the memories of your experiences last a lot longer than items. When you think back to any period in your life, you most likely relish the fun things you did than what latest things you were using at that time. If we’re being honest, everything goes out of style eventually but your wonderful memories stay with you forever.

Just do it
It’s time for you to stop commenting #goals on Beyonce’s pictures and start exercising. The more you do it, the easier it gets. You would be surprised by what your body can do. You’ll go from 10 reps to 20 and soon you’ll be preaching the fitfam gospel. Exercising releases chemicals in your brain that act like natural painkillers, it makes you happier and when you start seeing the results of your hard work, you will feel more confident and accomplished. Practising yoga also helps to reduce stress, makes you more focused and elevates your mood.

Eat Life Foods
Doyin was at Quilox and Wizkid walked into the club with two beautiful women. She didn’t remember anything about Wizkid, but she kept talking about how the women he was with looked like they washed their skin with acid. Those women eat life foods. Life foods are foods that haven’t been processed. They include water, fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains. You can get most of the in-season fruits and vegetables from your local mallam or market. Add some vegetables to every meal and eat a fruit after drinking a glass of water in the morning. Choosing to eat life foods will give you clearer skin, help with weight regulation, improve your health and boost your mood and energy.

Glow up Naturally
It’s no secret that looking good makes you feel good. The secret to clear and glowing skin is found in nature. The best beauty products boast of using ‘natural’ ingredients and fruit extracts. You would get the full benefits of those ingredients by getting them straight from the source. Use natural moisturisers like Aloe Vera and cucumber for your skin, use plant based oils like coconut and mango oil for your hair and make your own scrubs and masks with natural ingredients like camwood powder and pawpaw seeds that you can find in your local market.

Tackle your Bucket List
Stop waiting for the right time to start crossing off those items because it will never come. Make time to do those things you always wanted to do or to learn that skill you find fascinating. Whether it’s to ride an elephant or learn to bake a red velvet cake, do it. Only you get to decide what you get to do in your life and what you don’t. At the very least, you’ll have an interesting story to tell your grandkids and the feeling that you did something that was just for you. If none of your friends want to go with you, go alone. You’ll meet like-minded people when you get there and you’ll make some new friends.

Leave your Backyard
Get out of your comfort zone and travel. Visit new places, meet new people, try new foods and just expand your horizons. Stop watching people on TV live their lives and start living your own. Experience some adventures and who knows, maybe you’ll get your own reality show.

Get a New Hobby
It’s completely normal for a single person to feel lonely but sometimes, a relationship isn’t what you really need to fill that space. Some people end up in the wrong relationships or situationships just because they can’t stand being alone. But before you rush to pair bond with that bearded guy (that already has a girlfriend), try doing something for yourself. Try everything and find something you love doing. The time you spend on your own doing something you enjoy, will help you get to know yourself better. So sign up for that French class, take up pottery or learn how to fish.

Put Yourself First
Don’t feel guilty about doing things for yourself, you’re allowed to be your own #1 priority. It doesn’t make you selfish, it simply means you’re living for yourself. If you treat yourself the best, you won’t be able to tolerate someone else treating you badly. So follow your arrow and do what makes you happy regardless of what others might say. Take advantage of your independence because brave people fought and died for it.

Do Some Good
Do something to make someone else happy. Buy someone a much needed gift, give someone a lift from work or help an elderly person cross the road. Doing good unto others makes you feel better about yourself and makes the world you live in a slightly happier place.

Spend Time with Friends and Family
Being around your loved ones makes you feel happy and special. It’s always nice to feel loved and understood and who knows you better than the people that watched you grow up? So maybe they’ll keep asking you when you’re getting married but you’re still going to need them at your wedding.

Smile More
Smile even when you don’t feel like it. Learn to easily let things go, forgive people and always be grateful for everything.

Take the time to get to know yourself and make improvements that will make you a happier person. Always keep in mind that you are making changes for yourself and nobody else. Living a happy life will attract positive things and people to you and your MCM will be sure to notice soon enough. So before you slide into his DMs, ask yourself, “Would you want to date you?”

Photo Credit: Kazzakova | Dreamstime

Ufuoma is a writer focused on sharing what she learns everyday. She is focused on sharing useful information that she believes and hopes would help a lot of people.
