Kolawole Ajayi: Road Safety Does Not End During the Pandemic!
All road users are implored to stay away from crowded areas, stay home when the trip is not compulsory, avoid as many contacts as possible, adhere to government and experts’ advice and regulations, keep your environs clean and ultimately, keep being safe. Your safety is paramount for your family and Nigeria at large.
Ever since the first reported Coronavirus case in China and after envisaging its possible devastating effects on humanity, countries and various organizations all over the globe dished out – and are still dishing out – different measures and tips to help keep the virus from spreading. Unfortunately, while these are obviously good measures, it did very little is curtailing the spread of the virus and the World Health Organisation (WHO) had to declare Coronavirus a pandemic towards the end of February 2020.
Apparently, a good number of states and organizations in Nigeria have instructed a temporary stay at home for their people until coronavirus cases subside. Lagos, where the first reported cases occurred, has directed its civil servants from level 12 downward to work from home. Ekiti state workers are also directed to work from home. Kwara state, and many others, have done the same. However, many states are yet to join. The people are expected to continue living ‘normally’ until they are told otherwise. It is, thus, important to adhere to road safety measures, especially in cities like Lagos that have, for over 10 days or thereabout, continually recorded cases of coronavirus.
The following measures, if complied with, will go a long way in keeping many Nigerians and other road users safe from coronavirus:
Engage in Carpooling or Ride-Sharing
This is expected to serve as a means of reducing the number of contacts/people you are exposed to. The lesser the contacts you are exposed to, the higher the chances of not being infected. Those you are going to share rides with should be those who you know of their recent travel history. Do your findings well and make sure they are well aware of the necessary safety tips against the virus.
Leave For Your Journey Early
Sometimes, you may not be able to carpool and you’ll be forced to make use of the different forms of public transportation. If you find yourself in this type of situation, you are advised to leave earlier than normal. By doing this, you are not only avoiding a crowd or crowded areas, but you will also have the chance to pick the best spot for yourself in transit.
Encourage Walking
A good number of road users are used to driving or taking public buses even when our destinations are trekable. If you fall into this category, this is the best time to engage more in walking. See this as a form of exercise and a potent way of avoiding being infected by coronavirus.
Avoid touching surfaces indiscriminately
According to an article on wired.com titled How Long Does the Coronavirus Last on Surfaces? the virus can potentially stay for several hours, or even days, depending on the kind of surfaces. According to the National Institutes of Health, Princeton, and the University of California, Los Angeles, Coronavirus can remain virulent on surfaces for a lengthy period; from up to 24 hours on cardboards to about two or three days on plastic and stainless steels. Road users need to be wary of what they touch. If possible, avoid touching the sits and other parts of a vehicle. You are to carefully and quietly board the vehicles and other means of transportation available.
Avoid overloaded vehicles
The Corps Marshal of the Federal Road Safety Corps, Dr. Boboye Oyeyemi, in his speech dated 21st March 2020 and released on the Corps’ official twitter page @FRSCNigeria, warned against overloading passengers by drivers and riders. He went further to say they are making efforts to sustain the ongoing advocacy campaigns to curtail the spread of coronavirus by ensuring that vehicles are not overloaded with passengers. While the Corps is doing her part, passengers are expected to do their part by making sure they avoid overloaded vehicles.
All road users are implored to stay away from crowded areas, stay home when the trip is not compulsory, avoid as many contacts as possible, adhere to government and experts’ advice and regulations, keep your environs clean and ultimately, keep being safe. Your safety is paramount for your family and Nigeria at large.