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Drop the Weight with EJ: 4 Keys to Crush your Weight Loss Results in 2017



If you made headway towards your weight loss goal this year kudos to you. But what if have more weight to lose? Or if you haven’t started to see the progress that you want?

Well today I’m going to break down the four keys that’ll help you get the results that you want.

These keys will help you stay the course to reach your goal. Because, sometimes the reason you don’t reach your goal is because you quit too soon.

Now let’s get into each key…

Key #1: Get clear on why you’re working to lose weight

Yeah you want to lose weight. And you want the thrill of the before-and-after picture.

But the “after” picture isn’t all there is to your weight loss journey right?

There’s what the weight loss will help you achieve.

It could be:

  • Finally being happy with your reflection in the mirror instead of looking at all the things you want to change or worse yet, looking away because you don’t like what you see
  • Not having to fiddle with your clothes because you worry how about how they fit, you know they look just right
  • Or looking like you take care of yourself and have it together

At the end of the day you need to know what the endgame is for YOU!

This will help you change your thinking to the point where it’s less about finding the right weight loss plan and more about creating the right plan that’ll get you to your endgame.

Knowing the endgame is the first step. And it’s an important enough step that I’m spending a whole day helping you get very clear on this end game in my FREE weight loss challenge starting January 2nd…

So what is the endgame of losing weight for you? Do you even know? If not, take a few minutes to think about what your weight looks as endgame is.

Key #2 Get clear on what you DO NOT want to do

There’s an epically long list of things that you could possibly do to lose weight.

You can spend hours in the gym doing cardio, lift weights, or do HIIT for your workouts. Or you can cut carbs, do Keto, or use my signature VAFs™ system to change your eating patterns. And the list can go on forever…

But the key to finding what will be a good fit for you would be to get very clear on what you do NOT want to do to get to your end game.

A lot of us are hesitant to do this because we feel it makes us lazy. But acknowledging it isn’t being lazy, it’s just owning your truth.

Acknowledging the hard things you do NOT want to do will at least help you see where your resistance to change is coming from.

For example, if you’re a carb lover, you’ll finally understand the reason the low carb meal plans you’ve been spending money on never stuck. It’s because subconsciously, you’re not willing to give up your carbs.

Acknowledging what you DO NOT want to do doesn’t mean you won’t do them. It just means that you can look at your list and look at your endgame and see if your desire to avoid certain things is grounded in reality e.g. can you realistically not exercise at all, still eat what you want, lose weight, and keep it off? Well, no.

And seeing it on paper like this will help you make the choice (consciously and willingly) to do some hard things because you know that they’ll help you get to your endgame from #1.

Key #3 Have a support system and lean on them as often as it takes to get what you need

When you finally start to take action to lose weight, there’ll be some times when you need support.

It could be that you need someone to offer a listening ear when you just want to complain about how hard it is. Or an expert to answer questions about strategies or weight loss plans that you’re struggling with.

With my clients, I make sure they understand that I’m there for them when they need me. No question is too frivolous and no challenge is irrelevant.

Having a support system like this helps you see that you’re not alone. Knowing that there are others out there who get it and who have your back in this is key. And this key can help you keep going on those days you want to quit.

Key #4 Put your priorities front and center

The fourth key has to do with the other things that you’re working to achieve in life.

You’re not one-dimensional, and losing weight isn’t your only priority.

And sticking to your weight loss goal gets easier when you don’t feel like it’s conflicting with the other things that you want to achieve.

Losing weight is all about consistent action. And taking consistent action requires precious time, money, and other resources (effort, physical energy, and emotional energy…). Your other priorities require these resources too.

So when you start to prioritize your weight loss actions, it becomes a battle for resources.

If you feel like your other priorities like your career or your love life are taking a back seat to weight loss, weight loss will eventually lose out.

This is why it’s so important to keep all these priorities connected from the get go.

To do this, you need to get clear on how weight loss will help you with your other priorities, so it doesn’t become an either/or competition for resources.

Instead, you’re using all these resources towards a common goal.

Again, this is something we’ll focus on in the Free challenge I’ll introduce you to next.

It’s time to take action…

Now that you’ve read about these four keys, do you feel like you have them?

If not, your next course of action should be to get them…

I have just the resource to help you get them… It’s a FREE 5-Day Challenge called Change Your Thinking & Win at Lasting Weight Loss starting January 2nd. And in this challenge I’ll help you put these keys in place so you can take action consistently and stay the course to achieve your weight loss goal once and for all.

Click here to join the challenge.

It’s going to be an epic time and I’ll be thrilled to have you, so click here to join today. Again, the challenge starts live on January 2nd, so don’t miss out…

Photo Credit: Edward J Bock 111 |

EJ (Ejiro) is a writer/engineer/mom. She writes about healthy living to help busy professional women lose weight, keep it off—and actually feel amazing. She created a Registered Trademarked System (VAFs®) for healthy eating for weight loss and wrote the book Weight Loss for High Achievers to help busy women lose weight and let go of the idea that the only way to succeed is to diet for the rest of their lives. With EJ's methods, dieting isn't required and neither is spending hours in the gym for meager results. P.S. If you want to get the goal-crushing motivation to reach your weight loss goal, then you'll want to get the first chapter of EJ's book for FREE. Click here to get it now.

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