In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become an unavoidable part of our lives. Whether it’s work-related pressures, family responsibilities, or financial concerns, stress can creep into...
In a world where fairy tales are crafted around fashion trends and wedding dreams, there’s one story that deserves just as much attention – your heart’s...
Hey BNers, 2022 is fully in motion and we’re here for another thrilling adventure filled with love, movies, music, events, recognitions, lifestyle, good news, and more....
Sleep is an important part of everyone’s life. Your body needs to rest and reset so you can remain focused during the day and prevent a...
Yes! It’s the festive season, everyone is excited, and there’s so much to eat. Before you start consuming all the food in the ‘holiday spirit’, let...
Have you ever thought about the sound your heart makes? Its rhythmic beat is like a dance party in your body, an important one that keeps...
Low blood sugar happens when your blood sugar levels have fallen low enough that you need to take action to bring them back to your target...
When it comes to heart disease, there are so many myths and misinformation, and it is important to be well informed so you can make the...
Have you ever seen actors having a heart attack in a movie? You’ve probably seen them clutch their chest, eyes rolling back, groaning in the severe...
Cardiovascular disease in women is ranked nearly as high as it is ranked in men, and heart disease is responsible for the cause of most...
Have you ever heard the expression “never be caught without a smile?” That’s what a lot of us do; smile through our pain. A lot of...
Pneumonia is an infection that inflames air sacs in one or both lungs, which may be filled with fluid. It can be a serious and life-threatening...
According to the market research group, Global Data, Nigeria is the world’s leading alcohol drinking country in Africa. Among the disadvantages of excess alcohol consumption, there...
Many love to believe that our youngsters (adolescents and teenagers) are mostly prone to diseases such as chicken pox and malaria, and not the ‘adult’ diseases...
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