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#BN2015Epilogues: Berry’s Year in Numbers

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dreamstime_l_25786374Happy new year to all our readers! As promised, we are continuing the 2015 Epilogues due to the volume of responses we got. We’d like to thank every one who sent an entry, and if you sent your story before the 15th of December 2015, you will see it published on BellaNaija.

If you’re reading this and wondering, ‘What on earth is the series about?’ please catch up HERE.


I grappled quite a bit with writing this post. Earlier in the year I had quite an unpleasant experience that made me want to withdraw into myself and stop posting on other platforms that were not my blog or African Naturalistas. However, I met someone recently who made me come to the realization that while sharing life publicly can attract unkind people, if even one person is touched or impacted positively, then I can and should feel free to share away. And share, I shall. I’ll do it slightly differently than the other Epilogue writers though – here are my numbers in no particular order.

20 – The number of pounds I gained last year and aimed to lose in 2015.

14 – The number of pounds I lost by mid-year.

10 – The number of pounds I have gained back in the past 3 months because I stopped working out and eating properly. I’ve come to see that I can’t eat right OR exercise – I must do BOTH together.

200, 2000 – The number of skips/jump ropes I could do when I first tried (per workout session); the number I could do at my peak.

11 – The number of times I cried because instead of a positive pregnancy result, I got my period. I hope and pray it’s not 12.

42 – The longest number of days I went without seeing aforementioned period, when I truly thought, “SURELY, THIS TIME!”

1000 – The amount people paid (in NGN, not USD) to meet and greet with me and fellow bloggers, Tuke Morgan and Cassie Daves.

4 – The number of road trips I’ve been on this year. I traveled by car/bus from Lagos to Ibadan (with Naija Treks), Abuja, Ekpoma in Edo State (both times with the hubby because we had to deliver cakes and attend events); from Atlanta to Boston and back (with my siblings).

08094263869 – The number you can call to order cakes from my husband :p

36 – The number of days I read from the 365 Chronological Bible reading plan. This is so shameful. I try every year and fail woefully. Stupidly enough, I did better this year than last year. Progress? Okay okay, no it’s not progress.

≆ 846 – The number of times I imagined pouring water on my husband’s Playstation 4.

≆ 846 – The number of pieces my phone would have broken into if I tried the aforementioned stunt.

2 – The number of years we’ve been married. There have been great and awesome times. There have been low and very dark times. That’s marriage.

750,000+ – The number of views my blog reached not too long ago. Some may scoff at the low number, some may be amazed at the high number, at the end of the day, it’s MY number.

90, 80, 65 – The age my grandfather turned; the age my grandmother turned; and the number of years they’ve been married. How’s that for #GOALS

550 million – 850 million – The number (depending on who you ask) that made me finally put Google Ads on my blog. I may not be able to buy a house yet, but it’s a start!

37 – The number of times I attempted to put on strip eyelashes by myself. I failed 36 times. I’m not sure if I’ve quit trying.

∞ (Infinity) – The number of times I messed up, was dramatic, did something stupid, etc.

∞ + 1 – The number of times God forgave me for the above, plus one extra for the next time.

That’s it for 2015. I pray for a better, joyous, fruitful (literally and figuratively), productive year in 2016. Berry Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the BN Team and Fans worldwide.

Photo Credit: Dreamstime 
