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Chinazo Okaro: Step Out



Perhaps you already know this, perhaps you don’t; maybe you just need a little reminder, so I’m just going to say it anyway.To do anything worth remembering, you more often than not have to put yourself out there. You may not like to hear it, heck even I find it unnerving sometimes but it remains true that we must take necessary steps to see desirable results.

By putting yourself out there, you learn. You may be wondering what I mean when I say put yourself out there, what this simply means is that you need to get out of your comfort zone. You may have heard before that a comfort zone is a beautiful place, but things rarely grow there. Whoever came up with this deserves a big thumbs up, I couldn’t have said it better.

As humans, we were created to grow and no one is ever satisfied with being at a spot. We were designed to improve and to keep doing so until our last breath.

Man is a being, with limitless possibilities and potential stored up in him. Just like gold, we have to be uncomfortable for a while, if we’re to get rid of the impurities that cover us and diminish our worth.

I’m not trying to say that we constantly have to be in a position of discomfort; that would be toxic. My point is that, taking big leaps and stepping out in faith are major requirements to reaching any goal in life and this usually takes a lot of courage. The kind that pushes you beyond what would be considered average and stretches your will so that you run even against the odds until you begin to soar.

The place of courage is not always a comfortable place, but its rewards are great. You’re not guaranteed a soft landing, but at least you’ll learn even if you fall. Beyond the possibility of stumbling is an even greater possibility of standing. Don’t be deterred by uncertainties, because nothing is ever certain. By all means weigh the risks, but don’t let them stop you.

The place of ultimate comfort is the place of growth. You will never be truly comfortable until you put yourself out there. Take a risk and see whether or not it was worth it. Even if you miss it, there’s a chance you’ll find a better way.

No one wants to remain the same, we all want to be better and achieve better. We must learn to accept some form of discomfort at some point as we put ourselves out there and take some bold steps. You never know what’s on the other side of courage until you step out.

Photo Credit: Dreamstime

I’m all about positivity and the use of words to inspire creativity, a lover of innovation and aesthetics, with a passion for excellence. I hold degrees in Radiography and Public Health. I own a website and a blackberry messenger channel (Shana’s diary), my slogan is “think creative, live creative”.
