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Mike Hunder: Daily Practices to Help You Live a Better Life

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The National Bureau of Statistics poverty report on Nigeria inevitably prompted other discussions about the state of the economy. Among several reports, 42.6 percent of the total population are poor. It is getting worse and of course, as it affects us as a country, it affects us individually. However, there are some routines that, especially as young people, can help us get beyond some difficult situations. 

As young individuals in a struggling country, we could start practising some daily activities which will help us live a better life.

Practise big picture thinking

There is an ancient saying: “without vision, the people perish.”  This means, if you do not have a big picture of the lifestyle you want to accomplish, you are liable to be stuck in the small lifestyle you are living in. What do you want to become in future? Which kind of house do you want to live in? What kind of people do you intend to share a circle with? Start thinking big. It all starts with mentality.

Translate your big picture into daily practices

What comes after thinking big is acting big. This does not imply that you should lavish all your money on unnecessary items or live a life you cannot afford. But you have to put your imagination into action. Imagination – the process of thinking – requires mental ability while action – the actual performance of the imagination – requires motion. Start moving with industrious people who will positively transform your thinking. Start getting your hands on things that will improve your life. 

Manage your time daily

As you are gunning to become something big, every second matters to you. If you ask successful people what works for them, most of them will tell you “time is of the essence.” In other words, time is money. Utilise your time wisely each day. We know that people spend hours commuting to and from work every workday. If you live in Lagos, for instance, you may spend up to four hours on the traffic daily. This equals twenty hours in a week, and up to five hundred hours in six months. That is the equivalent of a university semester. This also means you get to learn something just by listening to resourceful podcasts, for instance, while in traffic.

Learn something new every day

I stumbled on a recent research that said, knowledge is doubling almost every year. With technology taking over everything, you must learn to evolve. The world is moving fast, you must learn something new every day to be relevant and adapt with the situation of the world. You must acquire fresh knowledge that will help you stand out from a group. For instance, if everyone is aware of a business, then it is assumed that the business has no real value. You must learn something new, or something distinct from what everyone already knows. That way, you will be able to figure out which aspect of the world you fit into. Then, you can start pursuing your dreams from there.



Featured Image: Dreamstime

A foremost training consultant and public speaker based in Lagos. Erstwhile bank general manager [union bank of nigeria Plc and the then oceanic bank, now Ecobank, respectively], Mike continues to take out time to share his experiences to help others pursue their dreams. Reach him at Emails: [email protected] ; [email protected]

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