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Seun Tuyo: 65 Priceless Things about My Mom



My mom turns 65 (oops…25 I mean) today, the 14th of July. I have been torn between mixed feelings of nostalgia and sentiments on this milestone. I decided not to contribute to her excess stuff (which I may eventually reclaim anyway) but to scribble 65 priceless things about her and share it with the world. I agree with the popular saying if you love someone, you should tell them while you can, here we go;

Things I love about her:

1)        I love that she is tough.

2)        I love that she is kind.

3)        I love that she is patient.

4)        I love that she is talented and a hard worker.

5)        I love that she always has my back and always takes time to listen to all of my ideas.

6)        I love that she’s made growing old so attractive, I am open to the challenge.  She’s aged gracefully and beautifully.

7)        I love that at one point she has referred to ‘Pringles’ as ‘Springles’ and the popular ‘Dorobucci’ song as ‘Torobucci’.

8)        I love that she raised us to love the Lord and to trust Him even when things don’t work out as we may have planned.

9)        I love her wisdom pointers (‘don’t stop believing in yourself…Pray, Pray and trust God…’  ‘Keep your palms moist, moisturize them, otherwise you will grow old too quickly…’  ‘Don’t pile dishes, wash them as you are cooking, it saves you time and beats the laziness’).

10)     I love that I cannot read Proverbs 31 without her in mind.

11)     I love that she has always been my #1 encourager.

12)    I love that I can always count on her to cheer me up no matter what my challenge is.

13)    I love her sense of humor, humor and more humor, with her; you cannot get enough of it.

14)    I love that she believes in me and doesn’t fail to constantly tell me.

15)    I love that she has worked so hard to help my brother and I achieve our dreams.

16)    I love that she always goes so far out of her way to do amazing things for people without even being asked.

17)    I love the way she still keeps up with exercising and unattractive diets 
to maintain her health.

18)    I love the way her gray hair is becoming resistant to hair dyes (the effect of the dyes are beginning to slow down)

 Things she says:

19)         ‘…. God loves you, and so do I’

20)         ‘… But you know these are the things you do that I do not like’

21)         ‘… You know the town is not safe, please come back home on time’ (this one is for always for my brother)

22)         ‘… Are you going out dressed like that?’

23)         ‘… I will tell your future husband when he comes to pay your bride price that you do not shower at night’

24)         ‘…. Yes, I have eyes in the back of my head’

25)         ‘…. Money does not grow on trees, go and review your list’

26)         ‘…. Try and Fast oh, God will answer our prayers’

27)         ‘…. Always wear clean underwear; you never know when you might get into an accident.’

28)         ‘… Stand properly or you’d end up with a bad posture’

29)         ‘…. Stop shuffling and raise your feet’

 Things I’d like to thank her for:

30)         For welcoming everyone in to our home, our friends were your friends.

31)         For always speaking up and sharing what you believed in, giving us the strength to do the same.

32)         For always showering us with praise, even when we didn’t deserve it, that face of contentment you always have when you say ‘that’s my girl’, ‘that’s my boy’…
and your sense of excitement at good news is priceless.

33)         For always leading by example, it was easy to imbibe good virtues.

34)         For always giving everyone the benefit of the doubt… even when you knew the truth.

35)         For always making us pay attention to the news to keep us informed, now it is a habit.

36)         For always instilling discipline filled with love and compassion.

37)         For working so hard and succeeding, you showed us we could do the same.

38)         For giving failure and success a new meaning. You taught us that in success or failure, there is a lesson, learn it, humble yourself and share your experiences with people you love.

39)         For always encouraging us to stand on our own.

40)         For always taking our stress upon yourself, so we didn’t face it alone

41)         For never waking up grumpy, your attitude to the dawn of a new day means a new blessing.

42)         For teaching us the difference between ‘someday this will all be yours’ and ‘lets share everything everyday while we have each other’.

Things she has taught me

43)         Put God first, like really first in line!

44)         Take a break once a while and enjoy life.

45)         Be generous with others, there is more blessings for the giver than the receiver.

46)         Celebrate beauty, it is ok to grow old but do it gracefully.

47)         Support those you love and protect ‘your own’.

48)         See the good in people with a magnifying glass.

49)         Treat others the way they want to be treated.

50)         Know who you are and who you want to be early enough and stay true to yourself.

51)         Persistence (My mom is P-E-R-S-I-S-T-E-N-T).

52)         Know which battles are worth fighting.

53)         Laugh at yourself before the world gets a chance to.

54)         Think highly of yourself.

55)         Be flexible with your choices.

56)         There is a reason the word intuition is in the dictionary, trust your gut.

57)         Be kind even when it doesn’t feel right.

58)         Pursue your dreams.

59)         Accept what you cannot change and move on.

60)         Lend a helping hand willingly (frowning on an errand is a NO-NO)

61)         Be a good listener (Share your problems with her and it becomes hers, literarily).

62)         Don’t dwell on negative emotions, be optimistic.

63)         Challenge yourself, work hard, nothing good comes easy.

64)         Do not be too open with your life, not everyone you share your tales with are true, choose your friends wisely.

65)         Do not allow technology development leave you behind, catch up by fire by force (she is a techie).

So there you have it…. I love how stress-free it was to come up with these 65 priceless things, and I love that I could go on to write 65 more without any hassles. She has taught me all of these lessons here and more, for that I am thankful.

“Mom, I hope you have the best birthday yet today and May every year to come be greater. I know you know this already, but I’d tell you again and again, you are always in my heart, I LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BEYOND”

We all have parents and loved ones and we unconsciously fail to express how we feel as often as we should, especially with our ever so ‘busy’ life excuses. Do not let that excuse steal away moments and happiness your expressions can bring to someone. Tell it now while you can.

Don’t forget to wish her a happy birthday today!

Seun Tuyo is interested in social development. She loves to interact with people and has a desire to make a profound and positive impact around the world. She suffers moments of weaknesses at the sight of a cold bottle of Coca-cola and Chocolates. Feel free to reach her on twitter and instagram @seuntuyo.
