Have you ever wondered why your acne doesn’t seem to get better despite using so many recommended products? Maybe you’ve tried everything from spot treatments, to...
So we’ve probably heard the phrase ‘black don’t crack’ and there is some truth to that, especially when we look at the likes of Gabrielle Union...
I was watching an episode on Ebony Life TV a few years back where one of the guests spoke about suffering from psoriasis. ‘Huh?’ I thought...
In these days of makeup artists and beat faces, it is very important to take care of our skin underneath all that makeup, so that we don’t...
The beard gang is in, and many of us ladies absolutely love this look on a man, especially when he sports his bald head together with...
I find after being a ‘seasoned’ natural for some time (say 5 years +), many natural haired ladies tend to go through different phases depending on...
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