Life Hacks With Toby: 6 Mental Shifts You Must Make to Achieve Your Greatest Success Ever
Just recently, it dawned on me that more than 10 weeks have gone out of the 52 that make up a year. Can you imagine? No be just the other day we celebrate New Year’s Day?
Omoh eh, time dey fly o.
Sadly, many people go through the year without achieving any of their dreams. To them, success ends up becoming a mere fantasy – one they can only wish about without actually attaining.
The reason is because these people still operate with a wrong mindset. And nobody can change his life without first changing his mind. Every great feat accomplished in the world today was given birth to in the mind. This means that if success is your desire, you need to make some mental shifts.
Below are six mental shifts you need to make if you really want outstanding success this year.
Set goals as big as you want to be
I came across the book “Goals” by Brian Tracy for the first time in December 2010, and devoured it hungrily. After reading it, I was able to set one, two, five and ten year goals.
Did I become an outstanding success overnight since I wrote them down? No. But I have well succeeded a lot more than I imagined.
Goal setting has a remarkable ability to accelerate your success. These days before I speak to any of my coaching clients, I make out time to find out about the goals they have set for themselves. The process is simple and follows the same process.
All you need to do is answer the following questions:
Where do you see yourself in the next one year? And;
What can you do today to make sure that you get there?
You can rephrase it in any form or add more details. But the basic process revolves around visualizing a future and working towards it every single day.
Believe you can succeed
You don’t believe that you can succeed? Or you think someone else deserves that opportunity more than you do? Come out of that kind of negative thinking. You can only be as good as you think you are. You can, only if you think you can.
Are you facing a challenge in the bid to accomplish your goals? Believe you can overcome them! Your success hinges to a large extent on what you believe.
You can either choose to believe in your own abilities and chase after your dreams or you can decide to believe that you can’t achieve them and make excuses.
Either way, the result you will get will be a function of what you believe. But if you ever choose to confidently believe that your success dream can come to pass, then I can assure you that it will.
Your gender is not a disadvantage
There are countless examples of women who have achieved the highest amount of success attainable, simply because they did not allow their gender to limit them.
For example, so many women have made startling scientific discoveries in the past, and a lot have held the highest offices in government. Many more have excelled in the field of sports, the media, and in so many other fields.
If you feel you cannot achieve your highest dreams because of your gender, then you need to wake up to reality.
Your gender doesn’t guarantee or negate your success! (Tweet that)
If you have a physical reason why you are not able to invest into achieving your success, face it and treat it. But don’t allow your gender to limit your success.
You can be all you want to be whether you are male or female. (Tweet that)
Being a woman for instance does not mean you have less energy, or less mental capacity. Neither is it an excuse to feel tired and lazy all day. Thankfully, there are medical innovations for women to help you take care of those. So, you have no excuse.
Age is just a number
I had the privilege of leading an organization a couple of years ago at the age of 22. Initially I felt overwhelmed knowing that I was the youngest among all the people I was supposed to lead. But then I reminded myself that age is just a number and put in my best. I am glad I did.
Don’t allow your age to limit you. It is just a number.
If Col Sanders had considered how old he was for instance, we will not have KFC today. Similarly, had Justin Beiber considered how young he was, he won’t be the phenomenal success he is today.
Your success doesn’t depend on your education
I am an advocate for education, so don’t use this as an excuse to drop out of school if you can help it. If for some circumstances beyond your control however, you had to drop out of school, then this is for you.
Stop feeling like a failure because you didn’t go to school! Rather, invest into learning all you can in the field you want to succeed in.
So many successful entrepreneurs like Michael Dell, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, etc didn’t have the privilege of graduating from college. But they didn’t allow that to stop their dreams. Instead, they invested in continuous learning and today their success cannot be questioned.
Your past doesn’t determine your future
Do you feel you will not succeed simply because your past is not so wonderful? Snap out of it immediately.
Stop using your past as an excuse to cloud your future. The past is the past. If you have lost some opportunities in the past, work towards getting and maximizing new ones. If you made some mistakes, learn from your experience and move on. But do not allow your past to limit you.
In conclusion, remember that success is nobody’s entitlement. You have to work it out. I believe these mental shifts will give you the needed motivation to go out there and start working towards your own success.
See you at the top!
Photo Credit: Dreamstime