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Oresegun Olumide’s Hyper Realistic Paintings are Spectacular

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Oresegun Olumide Painting 1Artist Oresegun Olumide‘s star is rising. His hyper realistic paintings have caught the attention of many lately, and he’s now even made it on CNN.

The 35 year old studied Fine Art at YABATECH and graduated with a distinction. His artworks take anywhere from a weeks to a few months, depending on the level of detail.

He told CNN that “water is a recurring theme in his art because according to a popular adage in his native Yoruba language, “water has no enemy.””

The use of water gives a translucent effect and, he says, is “why it’s difficult for many people to do.”

Olumide pushes himself to create art that his community hasn’t seen before and that is challenging for him.

You can follow him on Instagram here!
