Did Biracials Hijack the Natural Hair Movement? JudithsNaturalHair Speaks on the Topic | Watch
Did Biracials Hijack the Natural Hair Movement?
The issue of “texturism” is real and here’s a brief explanation. Some ladies with relaxed hair refer to their hair as “natural” (of course because it grows from their scalp) and some ladies with kinky natural hair don’t agree with this because to them, “chemically process” hair is no longer natural and so relaxed her should not be represented as “natural.” Hopefully that explanation was simple enough to understand.
It’s a similar argument between natural hair and textures, hence the word “texturism.” There a various types of natual hair, kinky, coily, curly and some even straight (reference to relaxed hair) and some ladies with tighter textured hair don’t agree with looser textured being referred to as “natural” hair.
In these videos, natural hair vlogger Judith of JudithsNaturalHair and Chrissie share their thoughts on the topic and we’d love to hear your opinion.
Watch the Video
Watch Chrissie’s Video