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BN Viral Video: A Happy Wife equals a Happy Home! Tyrese Gibson’s Secret Wedding Announcement is a Must Watch!

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With a video montage set to Brian Courtney Wilson’s “I’ll Just Say Yes” song, 38 year old Fast and Furious actor Tyrese Gibson announced today on social media that he had on Valentine’s Day, secretly married the woman who he described as the Queen God had sent him as an answer to his long time prayer.

According to E!, Gibson’s relationship is a fairly recent one as the outlet reports that the two were only photographed together in public for the first time in December at a charity event in Atlanta, Georgia.

Watch the video below:

@tyrese married his love on Valentine’s Day. Mark 10:8 And the two will become #OneFlesh | – Mr & Mrs Gibson…….

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Tyrese also shared the following photos on Instagram:

Some of you guys may remember this post from a while back…….. I can’t tell you how crazy my life is right now…… I’ve shared with you guys it’s VERY important when you pray to pray “specific” prayers…… and God will specifically bless you with all that your heart desires…….. >>>. Message to my wife of the future….: I just finished designing our private SPA it’s called #TheVSpa in my backyard…… Hello my name is Tyrese Gibson….. In a KING seeking my QUEEN….. Nothing to just smash and dash…. I’m talking a REAL WOMAN….. Not just a pretty face….. A classy, sophisticated women with an angel heart…. Heart soooo committed to the Lord Jesus Christ that I feel the pressure to get even closer to HIM in order to attract her even more…. I’m talking about a woman soooooo lady like and in tune with her femininity that she doesn’t have an aggressive bone in her body….: She lets a King be a KING!!!!!! The music is right and I also made sure you have a throw rug in case you get cold and or if you don’t want anyone to walk by and take a sneak peak at my business under that skirt………. It’s been said that preparation meets opportunity…… I’m prepared for YOU…. I will NOT just be marrying you – I will be marrying my daughters example -When I meet YOU…… I won’t be single for long I feel it in my soul…. To God be ALL the glory!!!!!!! ( I believe God heard my heart cause he delivered on exactly what I asked for..) #Amen

So many people give a lot of power to “The Ring” as a man I had to wait till I truly truly felt like my WORDS and my FEET would walk in the same direction as my HEART…. Not to worry I won’t be updating you guys on every detail and every aspect of our life….. We tried to keep this all a secret and it somehow got out there so we just wanted to share the blessed news ourselves……. Our way…. during our pre-martial session Pastor Creflo Dollar said “Don’t make the mistake that others make thinking #so much about the future that you lose focus of the gift of the present, be patient and present in love…. You and your wife should stand on each side of your empty canvas of love and paint the picture along the way…… #Amen The future isn’t always promised but what’s certain is we’re all capable of making a commitment to wake up everyday and love someone the best way you can… It’s quite simple………. it’s #GrownManSeason we feel the purity of Gods presence all over this union He’s walking with us so no weapons formed- this will last….. We’re so grateful and humbled by your outpouring of love! We appreciate all of the prayers and well wishes…. Life’s a trip…. Cause sometimes when you pray you get #exactly what your heart desires…….. I got #MyBlackQueen I didn’t just marry her I married my daughters new example…… Grace, elegance, college educated with multiple degrees, kind, classy, sophisticated, – We are all flawed, sinners and have made mistakes but I hope you decide to keep loving, keep the faith and God will to send you what’s yours…. #Amen
