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Dr. Monica’s Corner: Five Ways to Stay Healthy this Christmas

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It’s that time of the year again. You should be abundantly grateful that you are here to celebrate another Christmas and a brand new year.

New beginnings, new opportunities, new relationships.

It is also that time when we throw caution to the wind, relax and let all stresses (and discipline) out the window.

Festive food, fun and alcohol. Multiple parties and possibly new ‘hook-ups’.

You want to to stay healthy (all the doctors have left the country anyway…)

Cross into 2018 with these five tips:

Drink plenty of water with every meal
This will help reduce the number of calories you ingest. If you have a will of steel you may be able to eat in moderation, but I tell you, ten pieces of puff puff would have gone down your throat before you realise. Water is beneficial, so  whether you have will of steel or lack of self control, hydrate,hydrate,hydrate. Use 1.5 -2.5 litres as a guide.

Do this preferably at home or work. Not many of us want to trudge to the gym with all the celebrating, although a good run cures many ills. Keep to pre-scheduled fitness regimes that are convenient. Use your stairs, skipping rope (fun fitness), plank, squats, dance. There is so much you can do without the gym. The more exercise you do, the more attractive you are, the healthier you are and your energy will last for days.

Drink in moderation
Alcohol gives you a temporary high and a lifetime of grief. It causes, addiction, depression, weight gain, memory loss, poor sleep (need I say more?). If you are partial to alcohol,  then drink a glass of water for every unit of alcohol you drink. Certainly, stay away from the steering wheel if you are going to indulge.I  have seen to many people who think they can fly a plane once they’ve had their ogogoro.

No condoms, no sex
Even with condoms, people still get some sexually transmitted diseases like herpes and some parasites like pubic lice (yes, for real). There is certainly no need to get chlamydia, because one is celebrating.

Spend time with your loved ones
Value them. Cherish them. It should be mutual. Social media has a way of keeping us close yet we are so far apart. It is a privilege to have friends and family. Remember, some people have practically no one. If you are alone this season, please reach out to someone.

Thank you for reading and contributing . Let me take this opportunity to wish you a happy, healthy Christmas and an excellent 2018.
