Olawunmi Adegoke: It’s Not Too Late to Aim for Those Goals You Set at the Beginning of the Year
If you set out to achieve a major goal at the beginning of the year, it’s time to revisit it, open that journal where you wrote those ideas and get it done. See it for yourself, see the possibility of achieving that goal, see the future.
It’s barely 90 days to the end of the year 2019. Have you already started packing your bags and giving up on achieving those goals you set at the beginning of the year?
Setting out goals is a good practice that I can recommend any day. But you will agree with me that sometimes, life happens and things don’t go the way that we expect. I call this the dynamics of life. When things like these happen, what I notice most people do is that they hang their booths, give up or even stop making moves.
Failure can open doors for your next success. However, failing at something does not always mean you have to try it again. Relating back to our earlier discussion, the year 2019 might not have turned out to be the way you planned it, but believe me, there is a good reason for everything that happened to you.
Whilst it feels like the year is already gone, this post is to encourage you to set out new strategies to make the most of the remaining part of the year.
The truth is that sometimes we often want to shy away from the realities of life, simply because we often don’t want to be confrontational. If you set out to achieve a major goal at the beginning of the year, it’s time to revisit it, open that journal where you wrote those ideas and get it done. See it for yourself, see the possibility of achieving that goal, see the future.
I actually believe that there is nothing you cannot achieve once you set your mind and heart to it. But sometimes, why it seems like we aren’t energised enough to achieve major goals is because we set unrealistic goals. If you look through your yearly goals, there will be something smaller you can achieve which will really make a significant impact on your life goals. In this remaining part of the year, set out something you can easily achieve, and go for it.
Has this post helped you at all? Don’t just sit down and allow the year to go by, get up and take the actions today.