Adaugo Nwankpa: Four Suggestions on What Makes a Great Year
Imagine for a moment that life was as simple as mathematics. You will argue that mathematics is not simple, but just for a moment, imagine life to be as simple as 1+1 equals 2, or, simple like basic equations where a set of knowns would help us find x, the unknown. Imagine that kind of life; predictable, controllable, simple. The good life.
Although I have not found the complete set of known elements that would always produce the true x, as I reflect on the previous years of my little life, I have found some factors that help us to live joy–fully, regardless of what we do not know, what we do not have and what we cannot control. Consider these factors as suggestions, not as an authoritative stance, nor as an exhaustive list. I am just a girl in her 20s and so cannot possibly be an expert in the school of life (and indeed no one is).
Take a Posture of Gratitude
We are constantly living in a time of significant need, whether that need is personal, regional, or global. While you may often feel that you lack control over life’s circumstances, you can adopt an attitude of gratitude; a posture of gratitude. By choosing to be thankful for everything, you open your eyes to the beauty surrounding you and become aware of opportunities in unexpected places.
Hold onto Faith
Life is so rugged not to hold onto faith. In times of chaos, faith is that anchor to our souls that holds us still. Faith doesn’t say that challenges will not come, in fact, quite the contrary, challenges must come. However, the beauty of faith is that it is the solid ground in life’s most turbulent times. Our faith in God reassures us that we are never alone.
Glean Lessons from Your Experiences
To learn from the past is one of life’s greatest gifts. Whether failures or successes, our experiences in life have something to teach us. As I grow, I have come to appreciate all experiences, especially the failures and I now see them as an opportunity to learn. In fact, failure is a required teacher in the school of life.
Live Generously
As the saying goes, the best things in life are free. I believe that everything we have is a gift. Living generously means committing your life to maximise the gifts you have received, including the gift of time. Strive to give your best and more in serving others and making the most of the opportunities available to you. If you’re currently a student, focus on your studies. If you are employed, treat your job as if it were your own business. If you are an entrepreneur, work on building and delivering solutions that improve our world.
Another way to live generously is by paying it forward. In my four years of hosting The Writing Class, I have discovered that you can empower others without spending any money. By leveraging your skills, network, and time, you can enhance someone else’s life. You might start by coaching a student, mentoring a colleague, or holding a free boot camp. Whatever you decide to do, remember that great things can begin from small beginnings.
Document your Journey
Needless to say, one of the greatest ways to have a great year is to make it an exciting one by taking on challenges, and spending time with loved ones and with yourself. However, as you live in the moment and experience life, it is important to document the journey; the highs, the lows and the in-betweens.
In 2024, I documented my lessons from failure and made it public. The feedback was so heartwarming. I discovered that we often underestimate the importance of sharing our experiences to inspire others. Whether through photos, journaling, or videos, documenting your experiences and lessons learned can be invaluable. One day, you might look back and find those memories waiting for you. Some weary travellers on the journey of life may find much-needed solace in your story.
Feature Image by Pavel Danilyuk for Pexels