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BN Health & Fitness: Strength Training with Adagurl

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photoMany workouts fall under the “Strength Training” umbrella. Today, we highlight two types: Core work and weight lifting. Try these workouts set to popular Nigerian jams, and let me know what you think.

Scientific research proves that one of the best ways to train your abs is by keeping your core still while other parts of your body move in control. This discovery propelled the plank to its current level of popularity. Planks are a great isometric exercise that strengthen the muscles along front of your body. The main focus in this exercise are the inner and outer abdominal muscles. Technique is key to getting the full benefit of this exercise, so be sure to align your elbows directly under shoulders, brace your abs in and keep your hips down. In the side plank, maintain the same technique, but lift your hips as high as you can to feel the muscles at the side of your abs. Level 1 – on your knees. Level 2 – on your toes.

There are endless benefits to weight training, yet most women shy away from iron for fear of bulking up. But there is no need to. You can customize a lifting session to suit your needs. Lifting lighter weights for an increased number of repetitions will build lean muscles (you know, get rid of the giggly skin in the back of your arms? Yeah. That). To build mass (bulk up), you want to lift very heavy weights where you max out (can do no more repetitions) after 3 sets of maybe 8-10. No matter what look you are after, here are some weight lifting and power lifting moves that will help you build speed, power, and stamina in addition to the earlier mentioned benefits.

A word of caution – lifting weights with improper technique can lead to severe injury. Please pay attention to technique and start light. Watch the video first, then pay attention to the technique before executing. The Starting Position is key to safe lifting. Always start from the floor and work your way up: Feet hip distance apart. Slight bend in the knees. Abs braced. Chest proud. Shoulders back and down. As you execute each move, keep your abs braced, and your core tight. Always bend your knees and power through your legs to drive the bar up.

Watch the video here:

Ada-Ari is a certified, Elite Group Fitness instructor based in Washington, D.C. She teaches, step, aerobics, HIIT, and weight training classes multiple times a week. Ada is also an avid soccer player and plays right full back every week. Follow on Instagram @ada_ari | Subscribe on Youtube. Channel: Adagurl

Ada-Ari uploads weekly workouts set to African music. She is a certified, Elite Group Fitness instructor based in Washington, D.C. Ada-Ari teaches, step, aerobics, HIIT, and weight training classes multiple times a week. She is also a soccer player. Other loves: God, music, Game of Thrones, family time....... And (the Kardashians)... Did I just say that out loud? Follow on Instagram: @ada_ari Subscribe on youtube. Channel: AdaAri Like on Facebook: AdaAri
