Africa Creative Market is an eagerly anticipated annual event that serves as a catalyst for growth in the creative economy. This vibrant gathering brings together key...
In anticipation of the Women in Film and TV International (WIFTI) Summit set to take place in Africa for the first time, WIFTI has appointed Ascend...
Drawing from a pool of over 15,000 plus applicants from women-owned SMEs across Nigeria, 200 women entrepreneurs and 50 special participants have graduated from the 3rd...
The U.S. Consulate General in Lagos and Ascend Studios Foundation have partnered to implement the 2021 Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE), a U.S. Government initiative that...
The U.S. Consulate General held a virtual event this week to mark the completion of the second cohort of the Lagos Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE)...
United States Consulate General in Lagos on Monday launched the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE), a State Department-led initiative that supports women entrepreneurs around the world....
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