BN Community Centre: Man with Removed Jaw
In March 2013, the BellaNaija team asked for your feedback on how to handle the issue of the emails we receive with regards soliciting for financial aid {Click here to read}. We were grateful for your feedback. Over the years, BellaNaija has published various feature stories on Nigerians in difficult situations and we are thankful that our BN Fam has supported in full force. From the man who was wrongly imprisoned for over a decade to and the struggling father suddenly saddled with major financial obligations due to the birth of his triplets.
During this time, we worked to get as much information as we could about different situations that was sent to us. In many cases, the people sending the emails don’t come back to us when we ask for more information. Sometimes they do and we are sceptical about the information given to us and as such we are unable to publish these stories. We will continue to publish these stories, however, we realize this is not enough.
While we are very concerned about the integrity of our brand and are conscious of the fact that there are too many fraudsters out there, we are definitely aware of the major challenges people go through every day.
If you’ve ever had a health-related issue in Nigeria, then you will probably understand that it is extremely difficult to fund your treatment and navigate the healthcare system. Even at the government hospitals (where health care service supposedly subsidized) you find yourself having to pay N50,000 here for something, another N18,000 for something else. Before you know it, you’ve spent hundreds of thousands of Naira. We all know how difficult it is to raise money, even amongst the most ‘comfortable’ people. While many save for a rainy day or have health insurance, most cannot afford to set aside a contingency sum for sudden major illnesses.
In view of this, BellaNaija is launching the BN Community Centre. This online platform will feature “calls for help” as submitted to us. This includes information, photos and account numbers. We are, however, stating categorically that we are doing only basic fact checking, therefore, we will not be held liable in ANY circumstance.
We encourage you to give if you can, however, please ensure you perform independent verification prior to donating any funds.
It is with great expectation that I make this passionate appeal to you for financial support towards footing the medical bills for ‘Bolaji Adeyemi’ – my husband, who recently underwent surgery foradenocarcinoma, a rare form of cancer that led to the dissection of his neck and removal of his upper jaw. The operation was conducted in early May 2013 at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), Lagos, Nigeria. Since then, he has not been able to feed well or talk properly. Apart from causing extreme discomfort, this has placed significant constraint on his ability to fulfill his roles in various capacities.
Mobolaji Adeyemi is 35 years old and finished from University of Ibadan , Nigeria in 2005,as a crop protection and environmental Biology graduate.
He oversees a growing church founded by him and works as an educational consultant .
He has a strong passion for youth and national development .
Since the ailment began, we have spent over ten thousand dollars (over 1.6 million Naira) on various lab tests, surgery, transportation, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and other expenses. The bulk of this was donated by friends, family and well wishers. Now, we need another twenty-five thousand dollars (25,000 USD) to take him through reconstruction surgery so that he can regain the use of his mouth and resume his normal life as a responsible citizen. This is why we crave your assistance, as we have not been able to raise the needed funds for the operation which was earlier scheduled to take place within the third and fourth weeks of November 2013 at Apollo Hospital in Ahmedabad, India. Painfully, the surgery has been delayed until now due to insufficient funds.
Meanwhile, we have incurred other expenses in maintaining his health and taking him through some other medical processes to boost his immunity and restore certain cells that were affected by the therapies.We are counting on your kindness to meet this financial requirement which covers consultancy fees and anaesthesia, surgical fees by the chief consultant and two assisting surgeons, post operation care/treatment, various laboratory tests as well as therapy after operation. It also includes cost of obtaining visa, feeding and moderate accommodation covering three good months. It will be a great relief to us if you would graciously help us to offset these bills to whatever degree.
Please send your donations to the accounts provided below:
Bank: Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB)
Account name: Adeyemi Mobolaji Adam
Current Account number: 0139375111
Dollar Account number: 0139375582
Swift Code: GTBINGLA
Branch Sort Code: 058152489
We would gladly provide more information as you may require. We pray that the good Lord will perfect all that concerns you and use you to provide succour for us at this crucial time. Thanks in anticipation of your swift response and generous contribution.
Yours faithfully,
Titilayomi Adeyemi (Mrs)
[email protected]