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“We need to talk about it more…” Here’s What Nigerians think about Suicide | Watch

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The growing rate of suicide in Nigeria is turning out to be a thing of concern as people walk around depressed, worried and hopeless with no self worth resulting to them taking their own lives via available method known to them.

Battabox sent a presenter out to the Igbo community in Lagos to get people of this tribe to discuss why people commit suicide, how to identify potential people with the tendency to commit suicide and ways to rescue suicide attempt.

Here are some of the Comments:

“People commit suicide because they are depressed”.

“People are starving … why won’t they commit suicide”.

“The government should solve the economic factors that affect the people”.

“We need to talk about it more, so that people would know that depression is a mental illness”.

“Some people like to keep to themselves”.

Watch below.
