Mateen Taomu: Don’t Enjoy Clubbing So Much But Still Want a Fun Friday Night?
The Nigerian music industry has seen tremendous growth in the last two decades. This has resulted in the rise of the nightlife, especially with numerous night clubs springing up all over the country.
From Lagos to Abuja, down to Port Harcourt and other major cities, it is easy to find clubs packed with people on Friday and Saturday nights looking to have a good time. However, not everybody can and wants to ‘gbe body.’ Many don’t want to head to these places for various reasons such as religion, security concerns or a general dislike for loud music and crowded places.
If you don’t fancy clubbing, here are four things to do instead:
Host a get-together
At a night club, you see any and everyone. Often, as a lady, you have annoying men walk up to you to start a conversation with the intention of getting your number. Most times, you don’t want all that attention and its attendant drama. To avoid this situation, you can host a hangout. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate. It could be as simple as having five close friends come over and have a conversation about life, work and relationships. If you want to go big, you can tell your friends to bring their friends. Everyone could bring items (food, drinks, games etc.) to the hangout to reduce the burden on one person. Life has a way of using random conversations to shape the future.
Note: Invite people you have a cordial relationship with or else you might regret hosting it.
Pick a Book
Reading is still one of the best means of understanding ideologies and culture. A well-written book can take your mind on a beautiful adventure. You can decide to pick a physical book or e-book and use the night to soak the thoughts of the writer. Pour yourself a glass of wine or anything within your budget with some soothing music to make the moment enjoyable. Reading doesn’t have to be boring. Make it exciting and memorable.
Start a Project
Most full-time employees work hard from 9–5. Leaving work later than usual and spending hours in traffic can make you hang the towel on great projects your mind has been pondering on. If you have a family, it makes it harder because there will be demands for your attention. You can use Friday nights to fine-tune that project that has been taking shape in your head.
Three to four hours spent at the club can be used to work on a project that can be life-changing. Working full time and pursuing a dream can be exhausting in Lagos, but if you set out time every week to work on the project, it can give you the opportunity to transition from your full-time job into that project that gives you more freedom.
Have your ‘Me’ time
We often fill our days with activities and don’t pause to take stock of our lives. We fail to ask questions on why we do what we do and how we act the way we do. It would be great to pause and have a sit-down session with one’s self. It would allow you to think deeply about what you’re grateful for. You can also spend time pondering on how the year has fared, the good and bad times, and about how people being generous to you has impacted your life. This time is not for ‘Goals review’ but ‘Life review’. Set out time to talk to yourself – it helps clear your mind.
If you have any more tips to share for a Friday, please feel free to share in the comment section.