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Diezani N10 Billion Jet Saga: Court Grants Minister’s Application to Amend Suit

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An Abuja Federal High court on Monday granted an order to amend a suit seeking to challenge the legality of the National Assembly to probe the Petroleum Minister Diezani Alison-Madueke.

Justice Ahmed Mohammed granted the order in a ruling on the application argued by Etigwa Uwa, SAN, the lawyer to the minister and co-plaintiff, NNPC.

Uwa, had applied to the court to amend the originating summons in the case seeking to stop the probe of the minister on alleged spending of N10 billion on chartered jet.

Mohammed held that he granted the request because it would not change the character of the claims in the original originating summons.

He said that the request for the amendment was made for the first time in the case and did not amount to abuse.

The judge, however, turned down a request by the lawyer to make an additional claim on the powers of the National Assembly to hold hearings on petitions written against the ministry.

He held that the prayer, if granted, would change the character of claims in the original motion before the court.

It will be recalled that the judge had on June 19th granted an order restraining the House of Representatives from going ahead with the probe, pending the determination of the suit.

Mohammed adjourned the case till November 12th for hearing.

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