As we emerged into the new year, many people can’t wait to launch their businesses or side hustles. I can understand the excitement of quitting that...
As a small business owner who is practically running the show alone - from decision making, marketing, accounting to payroll management, there comes a time in...
So before you accept that offer, I advise you to pause, breathe in and carefully consider what is on the table. You have got to ask...
How many payment options do you have in your business? Would you choose online invoicing over paper invoicing?
Accountants are not magicians. There is no way we can know things when you don’t tell us. A lot of business owners tend to hoard information...
Job searching is a very tiring process and starting off without a goal will definitely leave you depressed and burn out in the long run. Therefore,...
Dear young professionals, I know most of you can’t wait to start earning 6 to 7 figures in salary. I can feel your disappointment hearing that...
Aside from helping you outline your firm’s rules, regulations and policies, a great handbook clearly communicates your company’s vision, mission, and values which forms a part...
Hiring the right staff is one major challenge startups face. Identifying the right staff, crafting a job description that attracts, asking the right questions—these are some of...
Be confident enough to clear all doubts and prove that your solutions work.
Being fully equipped on how to smash interview questions is great. However, knowing exactly what to do and the questions to ask at the end of the...
One of the oldest ways to making people stick with your company or business is to reward loyalty and productivity.
If adequately armed with these basic steps as a guide, building your first employee training program shouldn't be tough. With the right questions rightly answered, coupled...
Look at your weekly and daily tasks; did you achieve them before deadline? Do you need to change your strategy? Do it yourself. Evaluate yourself and improve. Remember...
Stop being shy and talk yourself into greatness. You are doing amazing work in your business and career, yet you don’t want to be seen as...
Dear Jobseeker,Your cover letter is the best way to introduce yourself, what you do, the solution, value, expertise and experience you’ve got to offer the firm, all...
CV writing is a skill. Learn it. For as long as you remain unemployed, you need it to survive. If you’ve got no time to learn, then...
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