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Let It Fit!



I love…

I love clothes and fashion. I like to dress up and I appreciate people who do too. I value great clothes… so much that I’m currently toying with the idea of having my own fashion line. For starters, I have a mini tailor’s workshop in my house where I design clothes, and my tailor of 6 years (and counting) brings my ideas to life in the most beautiful way. Making clothes is definitely one of my many hobbies – Éjire is a chic of many talents!

The evidence…

As I got to work about two weeks ago, a colleague approached me and said that he wanted me to know that I am the best dressed lady in the entire office. “That’s a nice compliment”, I thought to myself! I was happy that the re-think I had several years ago has now paid off – that it is possible to dress well, and possibly win such informal awards without carelessly showcasing my boobies and butt. I say “re-think” because in the past, I wore my share of ill-fitting clothes!

The issue…

Although I mostly design clothes for women, I admire men who dress well – don’t we all? Interestingly, men do not expose their bodies clumsily i.e. their butt cheeks, tummies or chests and they still look good but strangely, many of the women who admire these men aren’t as well dressed… at least, in my own books. Women sometimes think that they need to be scantily clad in a most vulgar way, to look good… even now that fashion has turned over a new leaf i.e. we don’t have to be butt naked to look HOT.

The cause…

I find that some women like to dress scantily for no just cause while many more who do so suffer from a disease commonly known as “low self esteem”. Therefore, they do this with the intention to make up for what they think they are lacking (little do they know that they actually lack nothing). There is this desperate knack to let the men see IT all… in the hope that it’ll make them stick around. Sadly, it really doesn’t work that way. The thing is, we all have IT – in varying proportions… and my kind of woman has IT all nicely packaged. I presume that the typical man, being the very curious being that he is, and a sucker for a good challenge, will ultimately go after what isn’t easily seen… and all over the place!

My recommendation…

They say that “beauty is skin deep” but lets face it, what we wear defines us to a very large extent. Many times, people are received based on the way they look and dress. When it all hangs out, its hard to get the respect that is due to us. For instance, not all should wear mini skirts, hot pants, boob tubes, skinny jeans, cat suits, etc. It’s amazing how these clothes make some women look so sassy while others look so vulgar in them! This is not rocket science. Open your eyes; use your mirror; step out of the delusion – if it doesn’t fit you, toss it! When clothes are worn wrongly, it can be painful to the eyes – have mercy, please! Not all fashions must be explored by all. That’s why there is so much variety – if one doesn’t look right, the next one will. Trust me, there’s something for everyone!

I am not one of those people who think that some clothes belong to the “devil”. I think that almost all kinds of clothing can be worn… provided that they fit. Women! It is possible to look great without letting it all hang out. They say “if you’ve got it, flaunt it” and I concur but please, lets be classy about it. I have seen women dress in ways that made my tummy turn. I recommend clothes that fit our different shapes and sizes!

I live with a cousin who likes to attend wedding ceremonies. I have lost count of the number of weddings that he has attended in this year alone. The last one he attended was just last weekend and when he got back home, he couldn’t stop talking about “what chics wear to weddings…” at least now I know why he religiously attends so many of them. It’s okay to arrest male attention, but it’s even better when it’s done right!

The issue here isn’t really about how thin or slim you are. I know of really slim girls who have never looked quite as beautiful as some fuller figured women that I have met… all because they know what to wear and what fits! Let’s enhance our “assets” in a tasteful fashion, and when it does fit – combine prints, colours and accessories, like “geniuses”.

The end.
