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BN TV: Catch Up on the Exciting First Week of Maltina Dance All Season 9

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munachi-abiiMaltina Dance All has started and we are so excited to share the first four episode of the past week with you. Hosted by Munachi Abii, the 9th season of the family-friendly show is just as exciting as ever!

Watch below.

Episode 1

This Episode highlights MDA over the years (Season 1-8)- MDA 9 online audition and the arrival of the 15 short-listed contestants to the academy.

Episode 2

This week’s episode of the #MDA9 introduces this year judges, our host Munachi Abii and the contestants dance for a chance to be the lucky 10 to enter the academy.

Episode 3

This episode is all about the families first rehearsals to the theme ” WAZOBIA”. The dance Instructor introduced them into the world of choreography.

Episode 4

A night with the WAZOBIA performance.
