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Obianuju Ndaguba: Did you Start this Year with Zero Motivation? Get your Groove Back With these Tips

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Did you start the year with zero motivation? Relax! you are not alone. You can get started on setting and hitting the goals you might have for the year.

Contrary to popular opinions, there is nothing special about a new year. In fact, you might repeat the same mistake(s) you have made in previous years if you are not deliberate about correcting them. However the year 2020 ended for you, you might just need an extra boost to be on your A-game in the new year.

Lack of motivation may be caused by a number of factors including distractions, or overstimulation. But whatever may be the cause, the truth remains that a lack of motivation would have an adverse effect on levels of productivity in the long run.

Here are 6 ways you can make the most of this year:

Do not be in a hurry to start the year, in fact, you might need to hibernate for a while before you get started. This also means it is okay if you are yet to have plans or resolutions for the year. What you really need at this time is a break.

Before you go about setting goals, do a self-audit by evaluating the previous year – this can be done by asking yourself why you probably didn’t achieve all you set out to do in the previous year, then focus on improving on the things that bore results. A self-audit will help you set more deliberate goals.

Practice positive affirmations. You would need to write them down or paste them in places where you get to see them every day. Start by speaking positively about the things you want to do or have. For me, I affirm that “2021 is my best year yet,” “I am highly motivated to smash my goals for this year,” “I will make right decisions that will open doors of opportunities,” ” I am hardworking, I am strong and I see the good results from the work that I do.”

A friend told me to buy a gift for myself every month, no matter how small. Compensation influences motivation. The idea is to give yourself something to look forward to as a reward for your hard work (but please dear, create a budget for it, haha).

Have a vision board, of all the things you want to see happen this year for you. There’s something mysterious about visualising your goals. Visualising my goals gets me excited, even more, talking about it.

Discipline; nobody achieves anything worthwhile without discipline. You should commit to blocking any form of distraction from achieving your goals for the year.

Accept this as my new year gift to you. I wish you all the best!


Photo credit: Dreamstime

Beyond the titles, credits and achievements, Obianuju is on a journey to finding her authentic self. Just like some of you, I am at a point in my life where I am asking, 'what the heck I'm I doing?'. Sounds like you? Well, that makes both of us. Soon, we will be able to write a profile that truly reflects what we really are, till then, Obianuju is sharing thoughts, topics and anything she finds interesting. Bear with me, while I build my profile! Feel free to reach out to me if you need to talk [email protected]
