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#BN2022Epilogues: E is Sure 2023 Would be the Year She’d Live Life & Enjoy The Ride

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2022 has been a rollercoaster of happenings, I like to think that it is the busiest most unexpected year I’ve spent as a teen and as much as I just want to see what 2023 has in stock for me, I’m stuck between wanting 2022 to not end because I really do not want to step into my 20s yet.

I do not think I’m emotionally, physically or even mentally ready to be a full grown adult, I do not want to feel the need to be responsible enough to make life decisions even though that has started. Being the first child of my family, I’ve had no elder sister to look up to.

I watched my social butterfly literally wither away gradually this 2022, I stopped posting on my functional social media platform, stopped texting people except I receive their messages. Sometimes I want to blame that on maturity but does maturity require one to stop caring about people? To stop sharing tidbits of your lifestyle with friends?

I became more private than Kerry Washington; you know that feeling that comes with thinking that you do not want to share whatever is going on in your life?

I lost my best friend of 2 years, we had started falling out towards the end of 2021 so it was just kind of expected. From my POV, I just started to see that our values no longer aligned and we were just not in a good place. From her POV, I replaced her with someone else in my life and she couldn’t stand that. The bottom line is that we no longer refer to ourselves as best friends.

As much as I want to bash 2022 for just being there, it had its highlight. trampled upon my whole resolve to not have a boyfriend while in school. That very month I met my darling A3, I knew he was going to be my  first ever boyfriend. He is such a sweet, caring, funny, tolerant, God fearing and romantic boyfriend, love has been interesting, it’s like a tiny bit of my Wattpad or Nora Roberts fantasy sprinkled with reality but I love it. I’m learning day by day.

When I got into 2022, I entered with the assumption that I figured out my career path already but not everything is the way it seems. I’ve moved from broadcast to print and still have not figured out the one I love the most. This is one of the things I pray becomes clear by 2023.

I am scared that reality would finally start to kick in once I clock 20 in 2023, I’ll have to make lifelong decisions that can be good or bad, I’d also have to become a responsible adult for myself, daughter to my proud parents, elder sister to my babies, girlfriend to my boyfriend, best friend for my friends and just the never ending list of people in my life.

I am definitely going to miss being a teen but on the brighter side, regardless of my fear, I’m confident that when the time comes, I’ll gallantly cross the hurdle. That is why I’m stepping into 2023 with the aim to develop myself and work towards the me I want to be in future, I’m going to kick ass, live life, sit back and enjoy the ride, bumpy or not.
