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Watch Oby Ezekwesili speak on Why she’s Running for President

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Former Minister of Education Oby Ezekwesili has, in her first interview since declaring to run for president said her and her party are fighting for the soul of Nigeria.

Ezekwesili emerged the flag-bearer of Allied Congress Party of Nigeria (ACPN) on Sunday.

“(2019) elections are going to be tough and brutal, but we are going to give it everything that we have because we are fighting for the soul of Nigeria. Nigeria is being led by people who cannot think big,” she said in the interview with Channels Television‘s Sunrise Daily.

“There is a strong apartheid out there for a new nation. We are going to get a new nation, we are going to walk the street, we are going to walk everywhere.

“We are going to do what it takes. We know that even the divine is tired of seeing Nigeria fail. We are running to win. I am not running because I am Oby Ezekwesili, we are running,” she added.

Watch interview below:
