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Make Yam in Vegetable Sauce with Zeelicious’ Mouth-Watering Recipe

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In this new vlog, Zeelicious Foods is sharing a new recipe for making yam in vegetable sauce, an Igbo delicacy popularly known as Ji Akwùkwò Nni.


– Yam
– Smoked Fish
– 1/2 cup palm oil
– African Spinach (Green)
– Pumpkin Leaves (Ugu)
– Tomato/Pepper Blend (6 tomatoes, 3 tatashe, 1 onion bulb, 3 garlic cloves)
– 1 onion bulb (cut in strips)
– 1 cup Ukpaka or Ugba
– 1/2 tablespoon chopped fresh peppers
– 1/4 teaspoon garlic paste
– 1 tablespoon crayfish powder
– 3 seasoning cubes
– Salt to taste

Watch the video below:
