… as Tobi Bakre Headlines This Africa Magic Original
Africa Magic is set to release an original crime thriller series titled “The Slum King.” The series follows the story of “Edafe “Maje Esu” Umukoro, a...
The much-loved #BNMovieFeature is kicking off the new month of August with Yoruba Movies. We kicked things off in 2017 (Yes, we’ve featured over a hundred...
“Fractured” is a brand new Ndani TV short film about a young couple who seem to have it all, until they are faced with the biggest challenge...
Nollywood Actress and Producer Dayo Amusa is set to release her new movie titled “That Which Binds Us” The thrilling movie produced by Dayo Amusa was directed...
The short film Tanwa follows a woman who is convinced that her life is in danger and decides to take matters into her own hands. Tanwa...
The recently-concluded special season of Superstory, titled Free to Live, just bagged another honour as Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3), funded by USAID – a United...
Nollywood actor, Dayo Amusa is back with another blockbuster hit titled Pathetic which will be showing at the cinemas from March 24, 2017. Dayo’s last effort, Unforgivable showed...
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