Oh oh…it seems as though the hot post I promised will have to wait until next week.
Meanwhile, I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported bellanaija…. I hate to get all cheesy but I cant help it! Thanks for all the emails, comments etc….Much Luv!
Now back to business.
Sometime last year, I was having a conversation with my friend regarding how we should start doing more to give back to Nigeria…the conversation progressed to Nigerian stars and my friend remarked that she feels they do nothing to give back. Well, she was wrong! Late last year, I found out about the SAVE OUR CHILDREN – Orphanage Campaign Africa.
I love the whole concept and rest assured, I know that they are indeed making a difference.
I hate all the stereotypical pictures of African children looking hungry and gaunt but I see beauty in these photos because you can see the sparkle in the children’s eyes.
The idea was conceived and is coordinated by Matthew Mensah who I talked about last week. Here is what he had to say – “I came up with the idea after been involved with campaigns in West Africa for UN especially in Liberia and Sierra Leone and after I saw the terrible and shameful conditions many of these kids lives under. I started with helping orphans when doing campaigns in War-torn countries and then I put it as a mission that I had to make a difference for Orphans in every country I go to in Africa but after been doing events for orphanages in Nigeria, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ghana and South Africa I decided it was time to do a campaign across Africa that would bring it to EVERYBODY’s attention to how some of the future leaders of tomorrow are living and most importantly show that IT IS possible to make a change if we dedicate ourselves to it.
Most important is it to understand that we want people to get personally involved in Africa and for Africans in Diaspora to know that we are all responsible for the Kids of Africa and we cant let them go to waste like this WHEN there is something we can do about IT.
More about Child Hunger: and
I just find the whole thing inspiring. It might seem like a minor drop in the ocean but at least they are making a difference. I know 2Face and Stella Damasus are participating in future campaigns so watch out for the pics….
That’s it!Let us know what you think. Do you have any other ideas how African stars can give back? Let us know…..have a fab day!