Maintaining Moisture During The Harmattan
In West Africa, we are
cursed blessed with the Harmattan season which usually lasts from November up until March in some cases. During this period, the air is extremely dry and dusty so I find that I need to take extra beauty measures to combat the possible effects of the weather. Here are some products that I love and recommend you have in your Harmattan armour.
These are a few of my favourite products for this time of year. If you can’t get your hands on any of them, I’m sure that other cosmetic brands offer great alternatives. What other tips do you have for surviving the dry weather? Please share if you care 🙂
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Yewande Sobamowo is a recent graduate of Warwick Business School in the UK. She is passionate about all things beauty related and shares avant-garde tips and tricks amongst other things on Connect with her on twitter: @Yewizzy