Seun Tuyo: Believe in Yourself
Ever wondered how many times Thomas Edison went through several experiments before he figured out how to invent the light bulb? Over ten thousand times. He was persistent and he believed in himself.
Everyone is born with a purpose and a unique gift to achieve that purpose. However, not many people stay consistent and try to unravel that gift or achieve their purpose. We overlook our successes and dwell on the baggage of failures and mishaps of our past, amplifying them well enough to give them power over us and our future. Failure is nothing but a lesson that tells you there are other ways to try to achieve success. To go past this stump, you have to believe in yourself.
Wait and think for a minute! What has been stopping you? I trust most answers will be centered on lack of confidence. The red flags always come as an inner voice waiting on you to cling to. You tell yourself “I cannot”, “I do not know”, “What if”.
Some people give up even before getting started. They think of their dreams, so little and flimsy. For others it is the fear of failure. Your mind will trick you to give up because it is used to a certain pattern and may be content with failure. Success nudges you out of your comfort zone. Success, they say, lies just beyond failure. For most people, they may be much closer to success than they realize.
When I hear people say, “I cannot do that” I always wish I could add “yet” to the statements because I believe they can.
We are all built for greatness. If you are yet to attain your heights of excellence, you need to dig deep within you and activate the power to succeed by believing in yourself day by day. Everyone with a dream starts out as an amateur but persistence brings about true success. Dreams will remain dreams unless you act. Success doesn’t just happen, you have to get up and work at it. Your ideas count, no matter how small you think of them.
Someone’s idea created mobile toilets to fill the needs for people who required a place of relief while on the go – at parties and events. Someone saw ice water been sold in clear nylons and turned that into satchet water business. Someone saw how much energy it took to pound yam and created yam pounders. It did not stop there; we have them processed in powdered form now. Someone saw the need to bridge the gap between you and the marketplace. Today, we have online shops that deliver goods and services to your door steps, the list is endless. Many others have had similar ideas but did not bring them to life possibly because of fear of failure or lack of confidence in the idea.
I believe your desire for success should outweigh the fear of failure. Ask yourself, what if you succeeded on that try?
Do not be afraid to dream – however big or small. Make sure your dreams are realistic and believe in them. Before anyone can believe in you, your dreams and accomplishments, you must first believe in yourself. Success in whatever you do is greatly dependent on how much you believe in yourself. It is the basis from which dreams become reality. Definitely, there are other contributing factors like education, support, peers, environment and background. However, self-belief is the foundation for success.
Act. Make an attempt. Bring that dream to life. If at first you do not succeed…. Try again, differently. Change your beliefs, keep an open mind, do not dwell on the failure, pick up the lessons and move on. Do not be too hard on yourself; you are more capable than you give yourself credit for.
Self-doubt never disappears; you only get better at dealing with it. Many successful people deal with self-doubt each time they go out of their comfort zone. So it is not just you. Therefore you need not fear or resent it. Your doubts are only thoughts; they do not hold your future. Appreciate yourself and stay true to yourself. Do not overlook the things that make you a special person, acknowledge those traits and let them grow.
Be careful whom you share your dreams with. There are many people who are convinced that nothing is possible with you and they are quick to kill your ideas. Most often, they talk you into hopelessness. Recognize such toxic people; do not let them drain your energy because they have none.
In the words of Martin Luther King Jr, If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. The next time you are wondering ‘What if I fail?’, how about you say to yourself “then I will try again”.
It is never too late to be what you might have been. An idea whose time has come is stronger than all the armies of the world, so do not count this as another read, take a leap of faith to find success, pick up the pace and live that dream. Write that book, audition for that acting role, enroll in that cook school, develop that software, take up the DJ role, start that blog, have that discussion, open that nursery, take that make up skill seriously, enroll for that qualifying exam, register that company, perfect that craft because YOU ARE A CHAMPION!!!
Photo Credit: Dreamstime | Sanjay Deva