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Awala-Ale Mofe: Beauty Trends We Should Have Left in 2017

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It is officially the second month of 2018 and I still notice some beauty trends that I believe we should have left in 2017. Beauty practices and makeup application is personal to you, but some of these trends get on my nerves. Here are some beauty trends we should have left in 2017.

Extreme highlight
The first of the beauty trends we should have left in 2017 is the insane use of highlighters. A highlighter can give you a beautiful glow. It can also improve the look of your facial structure. Using an illuminator on the high points of your face enhances your features. The problem, however, is that now people just apply an extreme highlight on the high points of their cheeks and the bridge or tips of their nose. In most cases, the extreme highlight does not look great and is not practical for everyday use. Also, I feel it necessary to mention that your highlighter should not look like a landing strip.

 Harsh contour
I love how contouring can change the shape and structure of your face. The problem is that not everyone needs to contour and even when you use this technique, you should blend properly. If you are using a concealer or foundation 2-3 shades darker than your skintone to contour, use a small amount of product and blend properly. The harsh contour is one of the beauty trends we should have left in 2017.

Cake face
Have you ever seen someone with makeup that looked heavy? I feel like we should have left the cake face trend in 2017. What is the use of applying a full coverage foundation and going on to apply concealer all over your face again? I have seen beauty gurus do this. On top of that, you bake and proceed to use other blush, highlighter and contour products. If you are using a full coverage foundation, you probably do not need to apply a concealer on most of your face again. This is one beauty trend we should have left in 2017.

Baby hairs
The fourth beauty trend has more to do with hair than makeup. If you are great at laying your baby hairs, I am not referring to you. If you have no baby hairs and proceed to gel down your adult hairs, please stop. It is not a good look. I see this almost every day on social media and in person and it never looks great. If you are trying to glue down your lace front wig, try to make your baby hairs look reasonable. Importantly, glueing down long strands of hair shortens your forehead and emphasizes the fact that you are wearing a wig.

Hoarding beauty products
Lastly, it has become a trend to buy beauty products on impulse. I used to buy a lot of beauty products. A year ago, I realized that I would never be able to finish my beauty products if I kept buying new ones. Beauty brands release new products almost weekly and I refuse to sink my money into such. If you are not a makeup artist or beauty blogger, please stop buying beauty products you do not need. Product hoarding is one of the beauty trends we should have left in 2017.  Furthermore, remember that you do not need every makeup, skincare and hair care product.

Are there any other beauty trends you believe we should have left in 2017? Leave it in the comment section.

Photo Credit: © Vadymvdrobot |

Mofe is a writer and self-taught baker with a growing interest in product photography and she just acquired a Masters degree in International Relations. She is a writer, recipe reviewer and amateur food photographer on ThisBaker I am @This_Baker on Instagram.

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