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BN TV: Uwanma Odefa & Uzor Osimkpa give their 2 Cents on a Relationship Problem in New Vlog | Watch

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In a new vlog on her YouTube channel, OAP Uwanma Odefa is joned by actress Uzor Osimpka as they dish out relationship advice to a follower.

She say:

Dear Uwanma, My boyfriend and I have been together for a year now. He gives me all the attention and care I need. He’s supportive of my career and gives me good advice. He’s even quick to apologise when he upsets me. But I found out recently that he has a girlfriend he’s been with for over ten years. I confronted him and he refuses to talk about it, saying it doesn’t affect what we have and that he still wants me. We’re still together but…What do I do?”

A lot of women are confused about situations like this. They love him. He’s ‘perfect’. But he’s also got someone else. But they love him too much to let go. What to do? What about the other woman who has put in a decade? Watch as superstar actress Uzo Osimkpa and I weigh in on this issue. Feel free to chip in with your thoughts and advice.

