#BNMovieFeature: Anja Dalhoff’s Documentary on Human Trafficking “In Limbo” tells a Story of Courage
The much-loved #BNMovieFeature is kicking off the new month of September with Documentaries.
We kicked things off in 2017 (Yes, we’ve featured over a hundred movies so far!)
In this section, we showcase full-length Nigerian movies for our film-loving BNers. There are throwback movies, new movies, Yoruba movies, Igbo movies, Hausa movies, English movies, Short films, Serials and so much more.
There’s so much to look forward to and you can also take a look at our past features here.
This month of September, we’re spotlighting a couple of documentaries from across Africa. This week’s focus is a documentary titled, “In Limbo” filmed in Denmark and Nigeria, directed by Anja Dalhoff.
A Nigerian man trafficked to Denmark is forced to pay his debt by selling drugs.
On the streets of Denmark, trafficked men and women are exploited by transnational criminal networks who prey on their vulnerability with promises of a better life. Edward is struggling to earn to pay off the traffickers who brought him from Nigeria to sell their drugs. He has been coerced and ruthlessly manipulated with a brutal combination of physical and psychological violence; trafficked people are often forced to pay debts ranging from 35,000 to 100,000 euros and their families threatened in their home countries. Corruption and the lack of security in Nigeria, as well as the debts Edward has incurred, leave his family just as at risk as he is as he becomes ever more entrapped and further away from being granted safety anywhere.
Watch the video here: