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Plateau Governor Simon Lalong sacks all Commissioners

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Governor Simon Lalong

Simon Lalong, governor of Plateau State, has dissolved his cabinet, sacking all of his commissioners, Punch reports.

Lalong made this known in a statement released by the state’s Director of Press and Public Affairs in Government Affairs, Samuel Nanle.

The sack will take effect from February 8, the statement said, and Lalong wished the former commissioners the best in their future endeavours.

Read the statement below:

The Executive Governor of Plateau State, Rt. Hon. Simon Bako Lalong has dissolved the State Executive Cabinet with effect from the 8th of February 2018.
The Governor expresses his sincere appreciation to the Honourable Commissioners for their selfless service and immense contributions in delivering to the people of Plateau State, the dividends of democracy and in engendering hope in the All Progress Congress-led administration in the State.
The Executive Governor while wishing the Commissioners the best in their future endeavours assures them that as stakeholders in the Plateau Project, their wealth of experience would continuously be relied upon in building the Plateau of our dream. He, therefore, calls on them not to relent in availing their services when called upon in the future to serve the State. The Honourable Commissioners are to hand over to Permanent Secretaries in their respective Ministries.