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Army Recaptures Chibok Town from Insurgents

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Nigeria Army BellaNaija

The 7 Division of Nigerian Army on Sunday in Abuja said it had taken back Chibok town in Borno from insurgents.

This information is contained in a statement issued by Sani Usman, Deputy Director, Army Public Relations, 7 Division of the Nigerian Army.

It said the military was still carrying out Mopping-Up Operation on the surrounding environment.

The statement added that Chibok was fully secured.

NAN recalls that the insurgents had stormed the Government Girls Secondary School in Chibok on the evening of April 14 and forced 276 students onto trucks in a mass abduction.

Fifty-seven of the abducted girls have since then managed to escape.

The insurrection by Boko Haram, which wants to create an Islamic state in mainly Muslim northern Nigeria, has claimed more than 10,000 lives in the past five years.

They have seized more than 20 towns and villages in the northeast in recent months.

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The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) was established by the Federal Government of Nigeria in May 1976 to gather and distribute news on Nigeria and cover events of interest to Nigeria at the international level for the benefit of the Nigerian Media and the Public.
