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APC in Bauchi Sweeps State Assembly Polls |Secures 28 of the 31 constituencies

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APC - Bella Naija

The All Progressive Congress (APC) has clinched 28 of the 31 State Assembly seats in the just concluded Governorship and State Assembly elections, held on Saturday.

Details of the results made available to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), indicated that PDP secured two seats and PDM, one seat.

The State Constituencies captured by PDP were Bogoro and Udubo, while PDM secured Giade.

The 28 Constituencies secured by the APC are Alkaleri, Bauchi, Danbam, Darazo, Dass, Gamawa, Ganjuwa East, Ganjuwa West, Itas-Gadau, Hardawa. Ciroma, Bura, Ningi and Shira.

Others are: Disina, Lere-Bula, Toro, Lame, Warji, Madara/Chinade, Azare/Madaza, Pali, Zungur/Galambi, Sade and Kirfi.

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