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Princess Simysola: Letter to the Superstars

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Some time ago, I had this dream where I saw myself in the midst of a concert crowd; I could barely see the stage as I was swamped in the multitude of the crowd.

Right in the middle of all the fun and excitement, the music stopped, the host started to walk into the crowd and didn’t stop until he got to my spot and called me out to go on the stage to be honored.

It seemed unbelievable, how could he have seen through the crowd to still locate me? After a bit of resistance, I finally decided to go on the stage with him, and the moment I got there, it felt like home.

At that moment, I woke up, and the revelation came to me “a gold fish has no hiding place”, notwithstanding how thick the crowd was, I was set apart and handpicked for greatness, many times, it feels comfortable to blend in, because I was not lectured enough about the many advantages of being ME.

Amazing dream I must say, the more I ponder about it, I am amazed at myself, “I resisted”, he actually pointed at me, but then I thought it couldn’t be me, I kept looking back, as though he made a mistake, and actually intended to call someone else; even at the point where he tried pulling me I still resisted, truth be told, I simply felt I did not deserve such honors,

How on earth would I be handpicked from the crowd?

What qualifies me for such recognition?

Who am I to think that I deserve to be picked from the crowd?

It seemed as though I was simply fighting greatness, even when it kept calling at my desk, because somewhere in my head, it had long been planted that I simply wasn’t good enough, my kind of girls were supposed to stay at the back seat, we were supposed to just be spectators and watch others be great.

This reminds me of this Quote by Marrianne Williamson:

 Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate; our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that frightens us the most, we ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented & fabulous? Actually who are you not to be? You are a child of God; your laying small doesn’t serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people would not feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine as children do. We are born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people the permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from fear, our presence automatically liberate others.

For so long, I have tried to be good at being someone else, worked so hard to achieve the heights of other people with struggles and dissatisfaction, because just when I think I have tried hard, I realize I am nothing but the second best.

Now I know, a goldfish truly has no hiding place, there is a throne that has been set for each person to reign, a place where favor is in abundance, a place where you would be highly celebrated for just being you.

Like I have learnt from my dream, no more hiding in the crowd; staying at the back side; or even trying to be someone else.

An original ME, surely worth’s more than a copy of someone else.

Photo Credit: Dreamstime | Karelnoppe

I am Princess Simisola, a lady on a mission with a burning desire to help leaders overcome the scourge of low self esteem & lack of self confidence as it is prevalent in the land today. My Role is to give Hope, that notwithstanding how low the World has made you to feel, you are worth more than a thousand rubies, and there is greatness inside of you that the World requires, that Nigeria is in dire need of. My Message is Simple, In every uniqueness, therein lies greatness. Visit my blog : , or follow me on twitter @princessimysola Instagram; @princesssimysola Nb: I write like I talk…. My style God Bless you real good.
