Documentarian Hajooj Kuka takes a self-assured step towards fictional storytelling in this comedy ‘Akasha‘ pivoting on an unlikely love triangle between a boy, a girl, and...
Hi BellaNaijarians, Are you a BellaStylista yet? We’re here trying to convert you with your weekly dose of style around Africa; it’s time for the BellaNaija Style Recap! Here’s what you’ve...
Award-winning actors Octavia Spencer and Mahershala Ali walked the red carpet together for the premiere of their new film Green Book during the 2018 Toronto International Film...
South African filmmaker Jahmil X.T. Qubeka returns to the 2018 Toronto International Film Festival with this rousing reimagining of the hunt for John Kepe, an outlaw in...
Yesterday, Somkele Idhalama attended the Share Her Journey campaign at the ongoing at the 2018 Toronto International Film Festival, and as expected she brought her A game, The...
Genevieve Nnaji sat down with Women and Hollywood prior to the premiere of her directorial debut “Lionheart” at the 2018 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) to discuss...
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