Hey Everyone,
How is your week going? Mine has been fab so far…
Did some crazy shopping yesterday, I have no words…I am in love with my new ‘baby’
Anyways, random tale here….I went to get my eyebrows threaded for the 1st time in 5 weeks (with the move and everything, I haven’t had time), I was already looking like Elmo LOL…so I went to get it done yesterday…damn, the babe showed no mercy, she just kept twisting and tugging away while making some strange noises (you know that sound u make when u r eating something hot…yeah…she kept on making that sound for some reason), I was just wincing in pain, my eyes were even sooo teary from all the pain! The babe now had the guts to start laughing at me, she was like ‘no pain, no gain blah blah blah’…the things women go through!
Soooooo I think it was my birthday and all my recent shopping that got me thinking about some of the fashion trends that I have experienced as an 80s baby and 90s/00s teenager/twentysomething.
Fashion trends come and go, they get recycled, reinvented etc… but some are just a trip!
Here are some of my faves, its all tongue-in-cheek, lets have fun with this!
You know the legging and tights that girls wear now? They are quite different from the multicoloured ‘wonders’ that we used to rock back in the day! Looking at these just makes me cringe!
LOL! Remember ‘Camo’?! Stop hiding ur head in shame, I know some of you (us…lol), had the dresses, shoes, hats etc….LOL. This is one fashion trend I pray never comes back. BTW, I remember one ‘camo’ party that someone had back in the day…
Shoulder Pads
This is for the 70s babies and more of what we used to see our mother’s wearing. Sometimes, I think and wonder…why? Like why would a woman want broad, high shoulders? Another trend that should stay in the past!
I am not talking about the slinky Christian Louboutins, I am referring to the thick, painful looking platforms. This is one trend that seems to re-emerge in every generation. Love the new looks tho, the 80s/90s platforms, hmmm not so much.
Jelly Sandals
These were a MAJOR trend for a minute. You just had to have your jellies! Trusting our brothers from the east, the flooded Nigeria with Jellies of all colours and shapes and the trend died a natural death.
Timberland Manolos
Yeah yeah, these were the most sought-after item for a while. Everyone just had to have a pair – different colours, designs, prints etc…I never bought a pair and I am sooo glad about that, though even Beyonce bought into the hype but this trend soon crashed and burned.
‘Patra Braids’
The Caribbean musician Patra and the musician from Soul 2 Soul (Remember that song….Back to Life, back to reality…) popularized this hair style – The thick, long braids. Girls were grabbing their packs of ‘Amigos’ and running to their braiders… lol.
Yup dungarees were ‘in’ at some point, and I know that they are presently experiencing a rebirth with the Chloe/Topshop dungarees but back in the day, it was all about the denim dungarees. I think some people can pull this off but even if it comes back in full force, its def not a trend for everyone.
The ‘Aaliyah Look’
You know when Aaliyah first hit the scene? With her baggy cargo pants with belly-baring ‘half-tops’. Girls were rushing to Tommy Hilfiger to copy this look. Ciara is a current advocate of this look. Awww, I miss Aaliyah!
Football/Basketball Jerseys
Football and B-ball jerseys were all the rage. Everyone was rocking those jerseys even people who knew nothing about the games. Guys with the regular jerseys while girls with the fitted jersey look. I think that at this point, this is less of a fashion statement and more about the real fans.
Newsboy/Kangol Hats
Some rocked it to the front, to the back, to the side, whatever…Everyone was wearing these at some point, it looked good on some and not so much on others but people were rockin it.
That’s it!
Have fun with it….which was your fave?
What am I missing? Do you look at old photos and hide? LOL, let us know!