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BN Bookaholic: Q&A with Toni Kan



tko21. Who is Toni Kan? Toni Kan is a father of two, husband of one and a “writist” who has published a few books like Nights of the Creaking Bed, Songs of Absence and Despair; Ballad of Rage and When a Dream Lingers Too Long. He has also won some award in the process and been shortlisted for some.

2. If you could be one animal what would you be? A dog, because dogs are such loyal creatures and can be great friends. And you know they can be frisky too.

3. Do you write better with a pen, a pencil or on a keyboard? Pen what? Keyboard, baby, all the time. I’m 21st century like that.

4. Who do your show the first draft of your work to first? Depends on where I am writing and how it’s tripping me. I just show somebody who I know will appreciate it. My wife, my friend David Njoku and a few others are usually the first to see my stuff.

5. What’s your view on the Nigerian publishing scene? It’s banging right now as musicians would say. I tell people that the publishing industry is going to blow up soon. It’s happened with music and movies and we are going to see it happen soon with publishing especially with the kind of books companies like Cassava Republic is publishing.

6. Any memorable moments at Hints? Hints magazine was a great experience in every sense of the word. I was young and I brought in my good friends whom could write too; Helon Habila, David Njoku, Ter Agbedeh, and Sam Umukoro and we had a blast. We wrote great stories, ran some wicked columns and had loads of fun.

7. If you were deserted on an island what three things would you take? My Bible, a laptop with internet connection and a book of poems by either T.S Eliot or Dennis Brutus.

8. How much does your environment influence your work? In every sense. I am sure I would suffer incredible writers block if I left Lagos for any length of time. Lagos is a crazy place and it’s got an amazing story waiting for you at every turn and behind every shuttered window. Living in Lagos turns you into a voyeur.

9. What’s the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you during an event? I was booed off a stage at an Anthill reading recently. I didn’t know I was supposed to be performing. I was just taking my time and someone got pissed.

10. Why do you work a 9-5 at Visafone? I love working hard and I like to multitask. I don’t think I could be a full time writer sitting at home all day and writing mornings and nights. I am restless and working a 9-5 helps curb my restlessness. And oh, the pay’s very good and I’ve got mouths to feed.
headshot-of-isabella-ec-akinseyeIsabella E.C. Akinseye loves experimenting. She brings out gold in raw material which is very eclectic: modelling, writing, broadcasting, couture, are some of the things she is working on right now. An avid reader, she has written for several newspapers, magazines and online publications. She presents her own book review segment called Bookaholic with Bella on Silverbird Television and has a passion for the African creative industry which is portrayed through the arts blog run with her friend, Temitayo:

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