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Introducing Eden Lifestyle – A Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Website for Nigerians

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We are excited to support positive online initiatives that target niches within the webosphere. Eden Lifestyle is a new website that promotes fitness and wellness in Nigeria – the site features real life stories, professional advice and lots more.

Here is a message from Eden Lifestyle Founder, Maje Ayida
The launch of Eden Lifestyle comes from a lifelong addiction to sports and fitness. I have been privileged to live an active lifestyle and I have found from personal experience that sports and fitness are invaluable tools to promote an wellness. In my world, if you’re physically prepared then you’re prepared to win. Eden Lifestyle focuses on health, fitness, nutrition and lifestyle, all key components to surviving this journey that is life. Looking good and the feeling of wellness are by-products, the aim is survival!

To us at Eden, it is an abiding pity that sports is not compulsory in all schools. At Eden you will find a comfortable home to help you achieve your personal goals, we will seek to educate, entertain, to give knowledge and to be of assistance. All of our columnists and contributors are recognised experts in their fields and we hope that you will find them knowledgable, focused, educative and connected.

So people, lets get healthy, try life the Eden way.

Eden Lifestyle:
Twitter: @edenlifenig
Email: [email protected]
