Two is Better than One! An Exclusive Look inside WED Magazine’s Revamped New Issue
Wed Magazine has definitely raised the bar for everything weddings in the industry so far and will be taking it to all new high at the 2013 WED Expo coming up this month. As the magazine gets set to bring together over 200 exhibitors under one roof for the largest wedding exhibition of the year they are also re-launching their magazine with a little something extra.
The magazine is revamping their monthly issue into a 2-in 1 bundle, re-positioning itself to cater for the needs of its readers and providing them useful tips to help them plan their wedding in every edition. Here are some things you can look forward to with the new magazine this year;
– 2-in-1 Packages: Every copy of the WED Magazine would henceforth be a 2-in-1 package of great tips for planning your wedding as well as interesting details and pictures of real weddings. While you enlighten yourself with a host of useful tips for your wedding, you will see from pictures of our real weddings that it is possible to have a splendid wedding ceremony.
– Bi-monthly Issues: The magazine is also set to go bi-monthly, a step up from its previous quarterly releases, so readers don’t have to wait much longer to get a copy of WED.
– Double Covers: As a step up from its previous editions, WED Magazine would now have two cover pages. A double dose of goodness!